
解析:A、He is not sure where the student

来源:网考网托福 所有评论

A、He is not sure where the student-services office is.
B.He recently got a new student ID、carD、
C.He is too busy to go to the student-services office now.
D.He plans to get his new student ID、card on Monday.

试题答案:-1 答案解析:w:I need to get a new student ID card, I seem to have lost my old one, and I need one right away M:me too,we are going to head over to the student service officec,and,wait a minute ,by now they are closed and won’t be open again till Monday morning ,so how about if we meet there then ,just before our biology class document.getElementById("warp").style.display="none"; document.getElementById("content").style.display="block"; 查看试题解析出处>>


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