
解析:AirlineAlliances Cooperative com

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Cooperative competition.Competitive cooperation.ConfusedAirline alliances have travelers scratching their heads over what’s going on in the skies. Some folks view alliances as a blessing to travelers, offering seamless travel, reduced fares and enhanced frequent-flyer benefits. Others see a conspiracy of big businesses, causing decreased competition, increased fares and fewer choices. Whatever your opinion is, there are no escaping airline alliances: the marketing hype is unrelenting, with each of the two mega-groupings. Oneworld and StarAlliance promote themselves as the best choice for all travelers.And, even if you turn away from their ads, chances are they will figure in any of your travel plans.
But why, after years of often ferocious competition, have airlines decided to band together Let’s just say the timing is mutually convenient. NorthAmericanAirlines, having exhausted all means of earning customer loyalty at home, have been looking for ways to reach out to foreign flyers.Asian carriers are still hurting from the region—the wide economic downturn that began two years ago just when some of the airlines were taking delivery of new aircraft.Alliances also allow carriers to cut costs and increase profits by pooling manpower resources on the ground (rather than each airline maintaining its own ground crew) and code-sharing—the practice of two partners selling tickets and operating only one aircraft.
So alliances are terrific for airlines—but are they good for the passengerAbsolutely, say the airlines: think of the lounges, the joint FFP (frequent flyer programme) benefits, the round-the-world fares, and the global service networks. Then there is the promise of "seamless" travel: the ability to, say, travel from Singapore to Rome to New York to Rio de Janeiro, all on one ticket, without having to wait hours for connections or worry about your bags. Sounds Utopian PeterBuecking,Cathay Pacific’sDirector of Sales and Marketing, thinks that seamless travel is still evolving. "The key to seamlessness rests in infrastructure and information sharing. We are working on this." Henry Ma, spokesperson for StarAlliance in Hong Kong, lists some of the other benefits for customers: "Global travelers have an easier time making connections and planning their itineraries." Ma claims alliances also assure passengers consistent service standards.
Critics of alliances say the much touted benefits to the customer are mostly pie in the sky, that alliances are all about reducing costs for the airlines, rationalizing services and running joint marketing programmes. Consumer Report’s SeniorEditor JeffBlyskal says the promotional ballyhoo over alliances is much ado about nothing. "I don’t see much of a gain for consumers: alliances are just a marketing gimmick. Most airlines can not even get their own connections under control, let alone coordinate with another airline. "
Blyskal believes alliances will ultimately result in decreased flight choices and increased costs for consumers. Instead of two airlines competing and each operating a flight on the same route at 70% capacity, the allied pair will share the route and run one full flight. Since fewer seats will be available, passengers will be obliged to pay more for tickets.
The truth about alliances and their merits probably lies somewhere between the travel Utopia presented by the players, and the evil empires portrayed by their critics.And how much they affect you depends on what kind of traveler you are.
Those who’ve already made the elite grade in the FFP of a major airline stand to benefit the most when it joints an alliance: then they enjoy the FFP perks and advantages on any and all of the member carriers. For example, if you are a Marco PoloClub "gold" member ofCathay Pacific’sAsia Miles FFP, you will automatically be treated as a valu

[解析] 本题为词汇题,主要考查考生根据上下文对单词elite的理解。elite所在句子的意思是:那些已享受大型航空公司FFP(频繁飞行优惠)的elite,当这个大型航空公司加入联盟后,他们从会员公司那儿获取的实惠和利益最多。根据上下文可以判断出elite的意思是“重要的,杰出的,精英的”。选项A(聪明的)、B(富有的)和C(固执的)与elite的意思都相去甚远,只有选项D(强大的,作用大的)与elite的意思接近,因此选择D。 document.getElementById("warp").style.display="none"; document.getElementById("content").style.display="block"; 查看试题解析出处>>

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