
解析:{{B}}Set 3Ecology Lecture{{/B}}

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【单选题】{{B}}Set 3Ecology Lecture{{/B}}

Listen to a conversation between a student and a college housing officer.

What does the student ask the housing officerA.To find a place to live.
B.To get some information about house.
C.To get some help.
D.To ask about school planning.


[听力原文]12-16 [Student] We are looking for somewhere to live and have this list, but there are one or two things we like to know about some of the places. Can you help [Housing officer] Yes, of course. Oh yes, you’ve got the right list there. What do you want to know [Student] What about the one on Salisbury Road We got the number of the rooms. We know it’s unfurnished. But how much is it a week [Housing officer] Let me see. That one’s 120 pounds a week. [Student] What about the one on Wicken Street It looks quite central on the map, but it doesn’t say how big it is, or what the price is. [Housing officer] Let me just check my files. I think it’s quite a new one. Yes, it’s got a double bedroom, sitting room, kitchen, and bathroom. It’s on the first floor of a very nice house, and the owner Mrs.Jarviss wants 90 pounds a week [Student] Eh, that’s a little bit expensive. But I think we could manage it. What about the rooms on Sill wood street How many are there [Housing officer] As it says on the list, there are two of them, and you have to share the kitchen and bathroom. But if you arc friends, it shouldn’t be a problem, should it [Student] No. we can share them. What the price is [Housing officer] It’s quite cheap, only 60pounds. [Students] We would quite like to go and see them. Do you have a telephone number we could ring [Housing officer] Sorry. Didn’t we put it on the form It’s 742735. that’s Brighton number of course. So that’s 01273742735. It’s a nice area, and it’s near the railway station, which is an advantage. [Student] Yes, we did want to be central. [Housing officer] The other one that’s central is 164 Preston Road. [Students] 164 Preston Road. Oh, yes, I’ve got it. [Housing officer] It’s quite cheap too, only 68 pounds, and it’s on the ground floor. You ought to go and see the rooms of Mrs Tonks in Harrow Road. They are very nice as well. [Student] Sorry, what was her name It’s not on the form. [Housing officer] Wasn’t it It’s MrsP. Tonks. That’s t-o-n-k-s. [Students] Thanks for all your help. We will try to go and see a few of them this week. 12. What does the student ask the housing officer Narrator Listen again to a part of the conversation, then answer the question. [Students] What about the one on Wicken Street It looks quite central on the map, but it doesn’t say how big it is, or what the price is. [Housing officer] Let me just check my files. I think it’s quite a new one. Yes, it’s got a double bedroom, sitting room, kitchen, and bathroom. It’s on the first floor of a very nice house, and the owner Mrs. Jarviss wants 90 pounds a week [Students] Eh, that’s a little bit expensive. But I think we could manage it. What about the rooms on Sill wood street How many are there [Housing officer] As it says on the list, there are two of them, and you have to share the kitchen and bathroom. But if you are friends, it shouldn’t be a problem, should it 13. Why does the students say this "Eh, that’s a little bit expensive. But I think we could manage it. What about the rooms on Sill wood street How many are there " 14. According to the passage, which one is cheapest house 15. Two features mentioned in the passage about Sill wood Street. 16. Here is housing list. Place a checkmark in the correct box. document.getElementById("warp").style.display="none"; document.getElementById("content").style.display="block"; 查看试题解析出处>>


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