
解析:{$mediaurl} What is the purpose

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{$mediaurl} What is the purpose of the conversation
A.The woman wants to make an appointment with the librarian.
B.The woman is trying to reserve a book for her classmate.
C.The woman is inquiring about the availability of study rooms.
D.The woman wants to reserve a different room in the library.

[解析] 1-5 W: Excuse me. Could you please tell me if there are any study rooms here in the library M: Yes, urn, most of the rooms have already been reserved, but I think we have a few left. W: Do you mean I have to reserve it ahead of time M: Oh yes, and the sooner the better. The rooms on the third floor are already completely booked for the quarter. W: Oh. Um ... how does it work then—I mean how can I—do I just sign up here for the times I want M: Yeah. Usually people want an hour or two at a time. You’re limited to ten hours a week—that’s if it’s available. Like I said, we’re fairly booked up. You really need to come in early in the quarter, or before the quarter starts would be even better. W: Wow! I didn’t realize space was so tight. M: Yeah, it’s true. Enrollment is up 12 percent over last year, and it really makes a difference. So, um, what would you like to do W: Well, actually it’s for me and two of my classmates. We’re working on a presentation together, and we need a quiet space to meet and talk. M: What time of day do you want—morning, afternoon, or evening There are more rooms open in the evening. W: One of my classmates is a commuter—she carpools from Spring Valley and has to leave campus at six o’clock. So evenings wouldn’t work. Actually, um, I think afternoons are best for all of us. Is there anything available ... like, after three o’clock M: Let me check. That’s always a busy time. W: Oh ... M: Wait a minute. I just thought of something. Does it matter if it’s in the Communications Building They have some rooms over there. W: Well, sort of. We, urn, we were hoping to be here in the library. M: The Communications Building is the one just behind us. You can even get there from the ground floor of this building. W: Oh, really I didn’t know that. Well then, maybe we could try that. Did you say they had rooms available M: Yes. They have rooms ... it looks like from one to five every day of the week. W: Great! Can we reserve one of those, urn, from three to five o’clock ... on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday Starting tomorrow M: Sure, I can do that. I just need to see your student I.D. W: No problem. The woman is inquiring about the availability of study rooms. The woman says Could you please tell me if there are any study rooms here in the library (2.3) document.getElementById("warp").style.display="none"; document.getElementById("content").style.display="block"; 查看试题解析出处>>


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