
解析:{$mediaurl} Why does the man go

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{$mediaurl} Why does the man go to see his manager
A、To ask if he can wait tables earlier in the day.
B、To request a transfer to the kitchen staff.
C、To quit his job in the school cafeteriA、
D、To get permission to join the jazz banD、

[解析] 1-5 [Student (male)] Ms. Hathaway, do you have a minute Q1 if you’re not busy right now, I’d like to talk with you about my work schedule for next semester. [Manager] (female) Um, yeah. Sure. Q4 Do you have a problem with your schedule [Student] [struggling to find the right words] Well, urn...see, the thing is... [Manager] [encouragingly] Go on. [Student] OK. See, I just found out that I was invited to join the jazz band next semester. And I’m really excited about it--I tried out last year but didn’t get accepted. So this is an opportunity I’d really love to take advantage of. [Manager] Well, congratulations. That sounds like a great opportunity for you. I know you’re majoring in music, so I’m sure being in the jazz band will look good on your resume. [Student] Right. I think so too. The only thing is, um, the band practices in the evening, from 5:00 to 6:30. Every night. [Manager] Oh, I get it now. And that conflicts with your schedule as a waiter here in the cafeteria. [Student] That’s right. [Manager] Hmm...I’m afraid that is a problem. [Student] I know. Q1 So I was wondering if there are any other, um, shifts I could work. Instead of the dinner shift. I mean...do you need anyone to come in at lunch Or breakfast [Manager] [apologetically] Oh...I’m afraid the only opportunities we have for part-time waiters like yourself is the dinner shift. [Student] OK. I was worried that might be the case. [Manager] I understand.Your studies are your top priority, right Q2 It’s just a shame for us, that’s all. It won’t be easy finding a replacement. [Student] I’ve really enjoyed working in the cafeteria, too. That’s why I thought I’d talk to you before I gave my two weeks’ notice. I wasn’t sure if there might be some other option I hadn’t thought of. [Manager] [suddenly coming up with an idea] Oh! Well, maybe there is another way. [Student] [excitedly] Really What is it [Manager] Q5 Well, if you don’t have your heart set on waiting tables, there might be something you could do in the kitchen instead. Employees in the kitchen have a lot of work to do before the dinner rush starts. And I’m always looking for more part-time people in the kitchen, if you were willing to work back there, you could come in earlier and leave in time to make it to your jazz band practice. [Student] [hesitantly] Oh...that’s very nice of you to offer. But...well. I don’t really have any experience working in a kitchen. You know...I mean, I worked as a waiter all through high school, and now in college. I know what I’m doing with that. But the kitchen...I don’t know. [Manager] Q3 I don’t think you need to worry about it. There’s nothing too hard about kitchen work. Basically, you’ll just be chopping up vegetables, putting things in the oven, washing some dishes...that kind of thing. The head cook’s a really great guy, and he’ll help you get used to everything. [Student] OK...well, if you think I can do it, I guess I’ll give it a shot, then.When can I start [Manager] I can give you your new schedule next week, so...um, just finish the rest of this week waiting tables, and we can work out the rest of the details in the next couple of days. [Student] OK, great.Thanks so much for giving me another option. document.getElementById("warp").style.display="none"; document.getElementById("content").style.display 查看试题解析出处>>


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