

来源:网考网托福 所有评论

{{B}}ListeningComprehension SectionDirections{{/B}}
This section measures your ability to understand conversations and lectures inEnglish. You will hear each conversation or lecture only one time.After each conversation or lecture, you will answer some questions about it. The questions typically ask about the main idea and supporting details. Some questions ask about a speaker’s purpose or attitude.Answer the questions based on what is stated or implied by the speakers.
You may take notes while you listen. You may use your notes to help you answer the questions. Your notes will not be score
If you need to change the volume while you listen, click on the Volume icon at the top of the screen.
In some questions, you will see this icon:. This means that you will hear, but not see part of the question.
Some of the questions have special directions. These directions appear in a gray box on the screen.
Most questions are worth one point. If a question is worth more than one point, it will have special directions that indicate how many points you can receive.
You must answer each question.After you answer, click on Next. Then click on OK to confirm your answer and go on to the next question.After you click on OK, you cannot return to previous questions.
You will have 20 minutes to answer the questions in this section.A、clock at the top of the screen will show you how much time is remaining. The clock will not count down while you are listening to test material.

{{B}}Changing the Volume{{/B}}
To change the volume, click on the Volume icon at the top of the screen. The volume control will appear. Move the volume indicator to the left or to the right to change the volume.
To close the volume control, move the mouse pointer to another part of the screen.
You will be able to change the volume during the test if you need to.
{{B}}Set 1Conversation:Problem withAssignment{{/B}}

D、vAlign=top width="100%">{{B}}Narrator{{/B}}
Listen to a part of a lecture in a music class.

Why does the professor bring his favorite records to the classA.To talk about his collection of records,
B.He wants the class to listen and learn to appreciate jazz musi

C、He plans to spend most of the class listening to music instead of lecturing.

D、He wants the class to have fun.


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