
解析:A、Two-Day GraduationCeremony

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A、Two-Day GraduationCeremony

The university newspaper announced that the graduation ceremony will be split over two days. The decision is based on the following reasons: first, the number of students graduated this year has risen; therefore, the ceremony’s duration will be quite long. Secondly, each student can invite their guests to their graduation ceremony; however, the auditorium is too small to hold the entire student body and their guests.
Question: The woman expresses her opinion towards the university’s decision of a two-day graduation ceremony. State her opinion and explain the reasons she gives for holding that opinion.
试题答案: 答案解析:The university has decided to split the graduation ceremony into a two-day event, because the ceremony takes too long due to the increasing number of students. Also, the auditorium is much too small when filled with more students and their guests. It seems that the woman doesn’t like the policy, and she gives two solutions to help out the situation. She says the school should reduce the length of the ceremony or the number of guests should be restricted to six people that each student can invite. [听力原文] M: Hey, look! The school newspaper says the graduation ceremony will be split up over two days. W: Why would the school do that M: Well, the idea behind is simple. It says the number of graduating students has boomed this year. If it was held on one day, the ceremony would be too long and the auditorium would be too small. W: Well, if that’s the reason, the school can keep the ceremony on one day and reduce the length of it as well. M: That might work, but what about the size of the auditorium and the number of guests W: Easy -- just reduce the number of guests. Instead of being able to invite ten people, each student can only invite, say ... six people. document.getElementById("warp").style.display="none"; document.getElementById("content").style.display="block"; 查看试题解析出处>>


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