
解析:Origins of Jazz Music The musical

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Origins of Jazz Music
The musical phenomenon known as jazz developed in the years just prior to 1900, mainly in the city of New Orleans and to a lesser extent in other largeAmerican cities. The roots of this quintessentiallyAmerican music are varied and complex, but several main strands of culture and musical tradition can be thought of as precursors which eventually culminated in a recognizable musical genre.
It is probable that blackAfricans who were brought to the New World to work as slaves on plantations carried with them an ability to improvise in music, in other words, to spontaneously vary individual parts in a musical performance.
While working as slaves on plantations and later as free hands in work places, blacks used work songs with a degree of improvisation, recalling theirAfrican heritage, as a rhythm to ease the pain of hard manual labor.
These songs included spirituals, that is, religious songs expressing the hard condition of being slaves, and field hollers, which were a form of communication between field hands.
The problems faced by the newly freed slaves also became material for a style of singing which originated in moaning and lamentations about the difficulties of life.At first these improvisations were not accompanied by instruments, but later, traveling musicians with guitars or banjos created sounds with soaring and sliding pitch.
Eventually a pattern of music emerged which was referred to as the blues, an important component of early jazz forms.
Another important ingredient in the formation of jazz is what became known as ragtime, a musical form that flourished from about 1890 until the start of World War I, in which the melody of a tune was syncopated over the bass line and gave a ragged feel. Ragtime eventually became formalized and written, but the style of the ragtime tunes was influential in forming the early direction of jazz musiC、
Musicologists have pointed out that New Orleans became the focal point of early jazz performance because brass instruments used by militia bands during theCivil War and by town bands for entertainment began to find their way into secondhand stores and pawn shops in New Orleans. This enabled poorer people to obtain instruments cheaply. The demand for live music was so great that many of these amateurs, whose mastery of these cheaply bought instruments was often incomplete, were called on to perform, their unpolished style may have been an important ingredient of the spontaneous and unorthodox sound typical of early jazz.
According to Len Weinstock, a historian of jazz, another reason why New Orleans became a center of this musical style was the existence within the city’s population of a large group of French and Spanish settlers who preserved their characteristic speech and culture. Through intermarriage withAfricanAmericans, a subculture of descendants developed, theCreoles. Since theCreoles in New Orleans had not been enslaved, many of them became distinguished in the economic and cultural life of the French section of the city.Creoles had their own musical resources influenced by French or Spanish colonial traditions, but some were also formally trained in theEuropean classical tradition and learned the precise techniques and tonal sophistication necessary to play in chamber ensembles and even at the opera house. However, in 1894,Creoles living in New Orleans were forced by a racial segregation law to move to the area of the city inhabited by the poor, largely uneducated black population whose musical tradition was typically characterized by memorization an

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