
解析:When someone has money (56) h

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【单选题】When someone has money (56) he wants to put in a safe place, he (57) takes it to a bank. Until recently the very (58) of the bank building was designed to (59) people that their money would be safe. There were thick, solid walls and barred windows.All the windows and doors were wired to set (60) the burglar alarms if anyone tried to (61) his way in.
The vaults where he money was kept had huge, steel doors with (62) locks. (63) guards with pistols in their holsters were always on (64) in the bank. The tellers cages--the cubicles (65) the bank clerks, or tellers, worked--actually (66) cages. They had gratings across the front, high sides and back, and a door that could be opened only by pushing a release button.
The new style of bank design (67) some of these (68) features, but the idea now is to make the bank (69) like a friendly place (70) than a forbidding fortress. The modem bank buildings are open and light, (71) large glass windows and doors. The tellers’ cages have been (72) by flat, unobstructed counters. The (73) and burglar alarms are still there, but they are (74) noticeable than they (75) to be.

[解析] framework和structure此处意思相同,均指“建筑物的构架”,与本句意思似乎也相符。但通过下文描述我们可以知道旧式银行建筑是想通过其坚实牢固的外观(appearance)给储户以“that their money would be safe”的印象。而framework和structure是看不见的;outlook意为“景色、看法”等。 document.getElementById("warp").style.display="none"; document.getElementById("content").style.display="block"; 查看试题解析出处>>


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