
解析:David: Let’s go picnicking. It’s Su

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【单选题】David: Let’s go picnicking. It’s Sunday, a day for fun and relaxation.
Susan:But you know I must go to church.
David: Oh, no. ______ What a pleasant day.Come on.
Susan:Actually, it brings me peace of mind, and it’s somewhat a kind of relaxation to me.
A、Never minD、 B、That’s all right.
C、You said it. D、Forget it!


[解析] Never mind“不要紧,没关系”是别人道歉时的回应语,有时也可以表达“不用啦或别费事啦”的意思,如A:Let me carry it for you.B:Never mind;That’s all right也是别人道歉时的回应语,表达“没关系,好吧,没问题”之意;You said it表达“对了,正是如此”或“我同意”的意思。如A:That sure was a good show.B:You said it;D.Forget it有时也用Forget about it表示“不必在意,别提它啦”的意思,如A:Sorry.I broke your teapot.B:Forget it.Forget it还可以表达“休想,不可能”的意思,如Forget it,she never intend to go.“别抱什么希望,她从来就没打算走。” document.getElementById("warp").style.display="none"; document.getElementById("content").style.display="block"; 查看试题解析出处>>


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