
解析:DonBruns of Lima, Ohio, and his 11-

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【单选题】DonBruns of Lima, Ohio, and his 11- year-old son,Aaron, love baseball, and theCincinnati Reds in particular. For,Aaron’s birthday last October, his dad decided to drive him toCincinnati more than two hours away, for the first game of the World Series. They had no tickets but hoped to buy a pair from scalpers.
After arriving at Riverfront Stadium, theBrunses walked the streets for two hours.Aaron wearing a Reds cap, his father carrying a sign that said "We Need 2 Tickets."
"There were a lot of scalpers," the father saiD、"But the cheapest ticket was $1075 a piece. I couldn’t afford that."AndAaron understooD、
Then the boy and his father were approached by Michael Teicher, who worked for a company that produces baseball highlight show for TV. Teicher pulled out a pair of tickets and handed them toBruns.
"How much do you want "Bruns askeD、
"No charge," said Teicher, "Enjoy the game."
When asked later, Teicher explained: "I was working for a man named Joe Podesta who hadn’t missed a World Series in 16 years. (78)But he’d had a mild heart attack in September and couldn’t make it this time. So he told me to give the two tickets away. The only ground rule he set was to give the tickets to people I thought would be thrilleD、"
Teieher walked around town for some time before seeingDon andAaronBruns. "
A、lot of people looked like they might just take the tickets and sell them," Teicher said, "Then I saw this guy and his son, a nice - looking skinny kid with glasses, and he seemed very disappointeD、(79) They reminded me of my dad and me when I was a kiD、 I would have died to go to a World Series game with my father.But I never diD、"
How important was it toDonBruns and his son Here is whatBruns said: "It’s the most memorable thing that ever happened to us. My boy and I must have turned to each other 30 times during the game and said ’I can’t believe this.’ We’ll never forget that night.\
What is "theCincinnati Reds" according to the passage
A、baseball team



[分析] 见第一段第一句,Bruns父子俩都喜欢棒球,特别喜欢辛辛那提红队。 document.getElementById("warp").style.display="none"; document.getElementById("content").style.display="block"; 查看试题解析出处>>


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