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【单选题】Passage 3   Bill Grant was a famous newspaper editor (编辑) in the United States. He worked for the same newspaper from 1926 to 1968. He started as a clerk but by 1948 he had become the editor. That was the position he held until he retireD、  Bill wrote his first story for the paper the day the New York Stock (股票) Market crashed in 1929. Two of the paper’s reporters were thirty miles from town checking on an airplane crash. The other one was in San Francisco investigatingChinatown.   When the first news of the stock market came into the officeBill immediately sat down and wrote up the story. The editor liked it so much that he used the story.And he didn’t make any changes in it.After that the editor decidedBill should be a reporter. He felt he was not using his real ability working as a clerk.   After this first storyBill became especially interested in financial news.But he wrote stories on just about everything. In 1945 he spent five months inEurope. His editor had decided he should write about the end of World War II. His paper was the smallest one with a writer inEurope.   One ofBill’s greatest moments came in 1946.
A、story he had written on war won the National Newspaperman’sAwarD、Bill took the prize but he gave all the credit (荣誉) to his editor.   Bill had a heart attack in 1957. He recovered fully but in 1961 he began suffering from a new disease. It lasted for the rest of his life. He overcame many emotional sufferings as well, including the death of his oldest daughter in a car accident.   It was just beforeChristmas in 1967 that he learned he had cancer. Six months later he dieD、But he had never stopped his work as an editor. The day before he died he had spent a full day at the office.We can deduce from the passage that whenBill was writing the story about the New York Stock Market crash there were ________ reporters on the newspaper.

D.more than four


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