
1题:Not a sound ______ while the professor was giving a speech.

A.the students utter
B.the students uttered
C.did the students uttered
D.did the students utter

2题:—How often do you drop your e-pal a line
— ______ , but usually once a week.
A.As usual
B.It depends
C.Generally speaking
D.Have no idea

3题:That is another topic that will come ______ discussion.
A. about
B. under
C. with
D. beyond

4题:The fireman acted quickly because lives were______.
A. out of danger
B. in despair
C. in danger
D. out of condition

5题:John isn't the same man ______ before.
A.what he was
B.that he was
C.who he was
D.as he was




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