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{{B}}Conversation 2{{/B}}
A.He is clever.
B.He is severe.
C.He is not naughty.
D.He is naughty.


[听力原文] 8-10 M: Don’t you recognize me, Jean I’m Tom, Tom Green. W: Tom Green. Oh, you were the boy who used to sit behind me in the class and... M: And liked to pull your hair, right W: Yes. Sine I remember you. (8)You were very naughty. M: Not any more, a lot of things changed in twelve years, you know. I remember you wanted to be a doctor. W: Right. (9)But I turned out to be a computer engineer. And you M: Me too. Strange isn’t it that the best football player in school gave up sports W: Which company are you working for M: (10)This one. I’m a new manager here. W: Oh, well done. It’s beyond my expectation. 8. How is the man now [解析] 题目询问男士现在怎样。对话中女上说记得男士很淘气,而男士回答说不再淘气了,12年里有许多事情都变化了,可知选项C(他不淘气)为正确答案。 [避错指南] 选项A(他很聪明)和选项B(他很严厉)对话中并未提及,不能得出同样的结论。选项D(他很淘气)是他小时候的性格,现在已经改变了,也应排除。 document.getElementById("warp").style.display="none"; document.getElementById("content").style.display="block"; 查看试题解析出处>>


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