
1、2、3题:The five clearest role-related behaviours of travellers (in order of relative importance )
Touristtakes photos, buys souvenirs, goes to famous places, stays briefly in one place, does not understand the local people
Travellerstays briefly in one place, experiments with local food, goes to famous places, takes photos, explores places privately
Holidaymakertakes photos, goes to famous places, is separated from the local society, buys souvenirs, contributes to the visited economy
Jet-setterlives a life of luxury (奢侈) , concerned with social status, seeks physical pleasures, prefers communicating with people of his/her own kind, goes to famous places
Businesspersonconcerned with social status, contributes to the economy, does not take photos prefers interacting with people of his/her own kind, lives a life of luxury
Conservationistinterested in the environment, does not buy souvenirs, does not exploit the local people, explores places privately, takes photos
Explorerexplores places privately, interested in the environment, takes physical risks, does not buy souvenirs, observes the visited economy
Overseas studentexperiments with local food, does not exploit the people, takes photos, observes the visited society, takes physical risks
International athleteis not separated from their own society, does not exploit the local people, does not understand the local people, explores places privately, searches for the meaning of life
Overseas journalisttakes photos, observes the visited society, goes to famous places, takes physical risks, ex plores places privately
64.Which of the following behaviours do Tourist, Traveller and Holidaymaker share?
A、Stay briefly in one place.B、Buy souvenirs.
C、Go to famous places.D、Explore places privately.
65.We can learn that overseas students .
A、are curious about the society they visit
B、like to do experiments with local food
C、take photos as their teachers have instructed
D、enjoy taking physical risks because they are brave
66.According to the passage, which of the following is true?
A、Three groups are interested in exploring places privately.
B、More than two groups live a life of luxury.
C、Six groups are fond of taking photos.
D、Two groups don't like buying souvenirs.

4题:六虱指的是危害国家的六事。《商君书•靳令》指出,礼乐、诗书、修善孝弟、诚信贞廉、仁义、非兵羞战为“六虱”。这反映了秦国当时( )

5题:下列词语中,字形和加点字的读音全都正确的一项是 ( )
A、坐镇 积思广益 砧板(zhā) 追本溯源(sù)
B、震摄 声名鹊起 按捺(nà) 返璞归真(pǔ)
C、蹂躏 喧然大波 要挟(xiá) 即景生情(jí)
D、熏陶 死皮赖脸 迂回(yū) 锃光瓦亮(zèng)


7题:美国老报人斯东在《苏格拉底的审判》中说,苏格拉底的死“在民主身上永远留下了一个污点。这乃是雅典的悲剧性罪行。”从公元前490年到公元前322年,雅典约有一半左右的政治家(包括伯利克里)都不同程度地受到民众的惩罚。这些史实表明( )
A、雅典政治 腐 败,阶级矛盾激化


9题:在我国1998年的洪涝灾情中发挥了显著作用的监测网有( )
①气象监测网 ②地震监测网 ③水文监测网 ④海洋监测网

10题:“长江后浪推前浪,一辈新人换旧人。”与本句话反映的哲理相同的诗句是( )

11题:下列化学元素,在动物细胞内含量较多,而在植物细胞内含量较少的是(  )

12、13、14题:The rising costs of health care have become a problem for many countries in the worlD、To deal with this problem, it is recommended that a big part of the government's health budget be used for health education and disease prevention instead of treatment.Actually, many kinds of diseases are preventable in many ways and preventing a disease is usually much cheaper than treating it. For example, people could avoid catching a cold if they dressed warmly when the weather starts getting colD、But many people get sick because they fail to do so, and have to spend money seeing a doctor.
Daily habits like eating more healthy food would have kept millions of families from becoming bankrupt if the patients had taken measures for early prevention. For instance, keeping a balanced diet, such as not consuming too much animal fat and insuring a steady intake of vegetables and fruits, seems to be quite important.
One very effective and costless way of prevention is regular exercise, which is necessary for a healthy mind and body. Regular exercise, such as running, walking, and playing sports is a good way to make people feel better or reduce stress.
In addition, health education plays a key role in improving people's health.By giving people more information about health, countries could help people understand the importance of disease prevention and ways to achieve it. For example, knowing one's family medical history is an effective way to help keep healthy. Information about health problems among close relatives will make them aware of what they should do to prevent certain diseases through lifestyle changes, which will work before it is too late.
However, stressing disease prevention does not mean medical treatment is unimportant.After all, prevention and treatment are just two different means toward the same effect. In conclusion, we could save money on health care and treat patients more successfully if our country spends more money on health prevention and education.
67.What’s the best title of the passage?
A、Prevention orEducation?
B、Prevention or Treatment?
C、Health or Illness?
D、Exercise or Illness?
68.Which of the following can replace the underlined word “bankrupt’’?
A、Unable to be cured
B、Unable to pay one’s debts
C、Stronger than ever before
D、More successful than ever before
69.We learn from the passage that .
A、dressing warmly can prevent diseases
B、a balanced diet is cheaper than regular exercise
C、the more health education, the better
D、the government’s health budget should be increased




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