


2题:补写出下列名篇名句中的空缺部分。(限选6小题)(6分) __________,闻寡人之耳者,受下赏。(《邹忌讽齐王纳谏》)

E、necessaryF. locatingG. insteadH. fascinatingI. elsewhereJ. composition As infants, we can recognize our mothers within hours of birth. In fact, we can recognize the 41 of our mother’s face well before we can recognize her body shape. It’s 42 how the brain can carry out such a function at such a young age, especially since we don’t learn to walk and talk until we are over a year ol
D、By the time we are adults, we have the ability to distinguish around 100,000 faces. How can we remember so many faces when many of us find it difficult to 43 such a simple thing as a phone number The exact process is not yet fully understood, but research around the world has begun to define the specific areas of the brain and processes 44 for facial recognition.Researchers at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology believe that they have succeeded in 45 a specific area of the brain called the fusiform face area (FFA、, which is used only for facial recognition. This means that recognition of familiar objects such as our clothes or cars, is from 46 in the brain. Researchers also have found that the brain needs to see the whole face for recognition to take place. It had been 47 thought that we only needed to see certain facial features. Meanwhile, research at UniversityCollege London has found that facial recognition is not a single process, but 48 involves three steps. The first step appears to be an analysis of the physical features of a person’s face, which is similar to how we scan the bar codes of our groceries. In the next step, the brain decides whether the face we are looking at is already known or unknown to us.And finally, the brain furnishes the information we have collected about the person whose face we are looking at. This complex 49 is done in a split second so that we can behave quickly when reacting to certain situations.(324 words)



6题:阅读下面的文字,完成(1)-(4)题。(25分)。鞋 刘庆邦有个姑娘叫守明,十八岁那年就定了亲。定亲的彩礼送来了,是几块做衣服的布料。媒人一走,母亲眼睛弯弯的,说:“给,你婆家给你的东西。”“谁要他的东西,我不要!”“不要好呀,我留着给你妹妹作嫁妆。”妹妹跟过来,要看看是什么好东西。守明像是捍卫什么似的,坚决不让妹妹看,她把包被放进箱子,啪嗒就锁上了。家里只有自己时,守明才关了门,把彩礼包儿拿出来。她把那块石榴红的方巾顶在头上,对着镜子左照右照。她的脸红通通的,很像刚下花轿的新娘子。想到新娘子,不知为何,她叹了一口气,鼻子也酸酸的。按当地的规矩,守明该给那个人做一双鞋了。她的表情突然变得严肃起来。她把那个人的鞋样子放在床上,张开指头拃了拃,心中不免吃惊,天哪,那个人人不算大,脚怎么这样大。脚大走四方,不知这个人能不能走四方。她想让他走四方,又不想让他走四方。要是他四处乱走,剩下她一个人在家可怎么办?她想有了,把鞋做得稍小些,给他一双小鞋穿,让他的脚疼,走不成四方。想到这里,她仿佛已看见那人穿上了她做的新鞋,由于用力提鞋,脸都憋得红了。“合适吗?”那个人说合适是合适,就是有点紧。“穿的次数多了就合适了。”那个人把新鞋穿了一遭,回来说脚疼。“你疼我也疼。”那个人问她哪里疼。“我心疼。”那个人就笑了,说:“那我给你揉揉吧!”她赶紧把胸口抱住了。她抱的动作大了些,把自己从幻想中抱了出来。摸摸脸,脸还火辣辣的。瞎想归瞎想,在动剪子剪袼褙时,她还是照原样儿一丝不差地剪下来了。第一次看见那个人是在社员大会上,那个人在黑压压的会场中念一篇稿子。她不记得稿子里说的是什么,旁边的人打听那个人是哪庄的,叫什么名字,她却记住了。她当时想,这个男孩子,年纪不大,胆子可够大的,敢在这么多人面前念那么长一大篇话。她这个年龄正是心里乱想的年龄,想着想着,就把自己和那个人联系到一块儿去了。不知道那人有没有对象,要是没对象的话,不知道喜欢什么样的……有一天家里来了个媒人,守明正要表示心烦,一听介绍的不是别人,正是让她做梦的那个人,一时浑身冰凉,小脸发白,泪珠子一串串往下掉,母亲以为她对这门亲事不乐意,守明说:“妈,我是舍不得离开您!”媒人递来消息,说那个人要外出当工人,守明一听有些犯愣,这真应了那句脚大走四方的话。此-去不知何时才能回还,她一定得送给那人一点东西,让那个人念着地,记住她,她没有别的可送,只有这一双鞋。那个外出的日期定下来了,托媒人传话,向她约会。她正好亲手把鞋交给那个人。约会的地点是村边那座高桥,时间是吃过晚饭,母亲要送她到桥头去,她不让。守明把一切都想好了,那个人若说正好,她就让他穿这双鞋上路——人是你的,鞋就是你的,还脱下来干什么。临出门,她又改了主意,觉得只让那个人把鞋穿上诚试新就行了,还得让他脱下来,等他回来完婚那一天才能穿。守明的设想未能实现。她把鞋递给那个人时,让那个人穿上试试.那个人只笑了笑,说声谢谢,就把鞋竖着插进上衣口袋里去了。直到那个人说再见,鞋也没试一下。那个人说再见时,猛地向守明伸出了手,意思要把手握一握。这是守明没有料到的。他们虽然见过几次面,但从来没有碰过手。她犹豫了一会儿,还是低着头把手交出去了。那个人的手温热有力,握得她的手忽地出了一层汗,接着她身上也出汗了。那个人大概怕她害臊,就把她的手松开了。守明下了桥往回走时,见夹道的高庄稼中间拦着一个黑人影,她大吃一惊,正要折回身去追那个人,扑进那个人怀里,让她的那个人救她,人影说话了,原来是她母亲.。怎么会是母亲呢!在回家的路上,守明一直没跟母亲说话。后记:我在农村老家时,人家给我介绍了一个对象。那个姑娘很精心地给我做了一双鞋. 参加工作后,我把那双鞋带进了城里,先是舍不得穿,后来想穿也穿不出去了。第一次回家探亲,我把那双鞋退给了那位姑娘。那姑娘接过鞋后,眼里一直泪汪汪的。后来我想到,我一定伤害了那位农村姑娘的心,我辜负了她,一辈子都对不起她。 (有删改) 文末“后记”是独立于小说外的写作说明,还是属于小说的有机组成部分?请结合全文,谈谈你的观点和理由。(8分)

7题:(六)阅读下文,完成22~26题。(12分) 许氏吴兴溪亭记 权德舆  ①溪亭者何?在吴兴东部,主人许氏所由作也。亭制约而雅,溪流安以清,是二者相为用,而主人尽有之,其智可知也。夸目侈心者,或大其门户,文其节棁,俭士耻之;绝世离俗者,或梯构岩巘,纫结萝薜,世教鄙之。曷若此亭,与人寰不相远,而胜境自至。青苍在目,潺湲激砌。晴烟阴岚,明晦万状。{{U}}鸥飞鱼游,不惊不喁{{/U}}。时时归云,来冒茅栋。许氏方目送溪鸟,口吟《招隐》,则神机自王,利欲自薄,百骸六藏之内累,无自而入焉。  ②有田二顷,傅于亭下,耕作之功,出于僮仆。每露蝉一声,秋稼成实,倚杖眺远,不觉日暮。岁食之余,则以给樽中。方其引满陶然,心与境冥,{{U}}是非得丧,相与奔北之不暇,又何可滑①于胸中{{/U}}。  ③噫!举世徇物以失性,而不能自适,且谬戾于{{U}}动静之理{{/U}},君之动也。仕宦代耕,必于山水之乡,故尉义兴,赞武康②,皆有嘉闻。其静也,则偃曝于斯亭,循分食力,不矫不躁。庸讵知今日善闭,不为异时之大来③耶?予知之深,故因斯亭以广其词云。  【注】①滑:乱。②尉义兴,赞武康:指在义兴、武康两地做官。③大来:指吉祥亨通。 简述“动静之理”在许氏身上的表现。(3分)

8题:I would have gone to visit him in the hospital had it been at all possible, but I ______ fully occupied the whole of last week.
B、 was
C、have been
D、 having been



10题:It is widely known that anyEnglish conversation begins with The Weather. Such a fixation with the weather finds expression inDr.Johnson’s famous comment that “When twoEnglish meet, their first talk is of weather.” Though Johnson’s observation is as accurate now as it was over two hundred years ago, most commentators fail to come up with a convincing explanation for thisEnglish weather-speak. BillBryson, for ezample, concludes that,as theEnglish weather is not at all exciting,the obsession with it can hardly be understooD、He argues that”To an outsider,the most striking thing about theEnglish weather is that there is not very much of it.” Simply, the reason is that the unusual and unpredictable weather is almost unknown in theBritish Isles.Jeremy Paxman, however, disagrees withBryson, arguing that theEnglish weather is by nature attractive.Bryson is wrong, he says,because theEnglish preference for the weather has nothing to do with the natural phenomen
A、”The interest is less in the phenomena themselves, but in uncertainty.”According to him, the weather inEngland is very changeable and uncertain and it attracts theEnglish as well as the outsider. Bryson and Paxman stand for common misconceptions about the weather-speak among theEnglish.Both commentators, somehow, are missing the point. TheEnglish weather conversation is not really about the weather at all.English weather-speak is a system of signs ,which is developed to help the speakers overcome the natural reserve and actually talk to each other.Everyone knows conversations starting with weather-speak are not requests for weather dat
A、Rather, they are routine greetings,conversation starters or the blank”fillers”, In other words,English weather-speak is a means of social bonding. The author mentionsDr.Johnson’s comment to show that __________ .
A、most commentators agree withDr.Johnson
B.Dr.Johnson is famous for his weather observation
C.the comment was accurate two hundred years ago
D.English conversations usually start with the weather




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