
1题: 我国实行按劳分配为主体、多种方式并存的分配制度是由

2题:Rubidium, potassium and carbon are three common elements used to date the history ofEarth. The rates of radioactive decay of these elements are absolutely regular when averaged out over a period of time; nothing is known to change them. To be useful as clocks, the elements have to be fairly common in natural minerals, unstable but decay slowly over millions of years to form recognizable "daughter" products which are preserved minerals.
For example, an atom of radioactive rubidium decays to form an atom of strontium (another element) by converting a neutron in its nucleus to a proton and releasing an electron, generating energy in the process. The radiogenic daughter products of the decay—in this case strontium atoms—diffuse away and are lost above a certain very high temperature. So by measuring the exact proportions of rubidium and strontium atoms that are present in a mineral, researchers can work out how long it has been since the mineral cooled below that critical "blocking" temperature. The main problems with this dating method are the difficulty in finding minerals containing rubidium, the accuracy with which the proportions of rubidium and strontium are measured, and the fact that the method gives only the date when the mineral last cooled below the blocking temperature.Because the blocking temperature is very high, the method is used, mainly for recrystallized (igneous or metamorphic) rocks, not for sediments—rubidium-bearing minerals in sediments simply record the age of cooling of the rocks which were eroded to form the sediments, not the age of deposition of the sediments themselves.
Potassium decays to form (a gas) which is sometimes lost from its host mineral by escaping through pores.Although potassium-argon dating is therefore rather unreliable, it can sometimes be useful in dating sedimentary rocks because potassium is common in some minerals which form in sediments at low temperatures.Assuming no argon has escaped, the potassium-argon date records the age of the sediments themselves.
Carbon dating is mainly used in archaeology. Most carbon atoms (carbon-12) are stable and do not change over time. However, cosmic radiation bombarding the upper atmospheres is constantly interacting with nitrogen in the atmosphere to create an unstable form of carbon, carbon-14.
What is the limitation of the rubidium method
A、Rubidium is everywhere in the rock.
B、Strontium atoms are hard to detect at the normal temperature.
C、It cannot date sediments.
D、It is time-consuming.






6题:It is useful to be able to predict the extent ______ which a price change will affect supply and demanD、

7题:听第6段材料,回答第6至7题。 Why is Harry unwilling to join the woman
A、He has a pain in his knee.
B.He wants to watch TV.
C.He is too lazy.

8题:Questions 11 through 13 are based on the following passage.
A、The houses there can’t be
B.It is a place for work and holiday.
C.he cabins and facilities
D.It is run by the residents themselves.

9题:(本题满分14分) 本题共有2个小题,第1小题满分6分,第2小题满分8分. 如图, 某公司要在A,B两地连线上的定点C处建造广告牌, 其中D为顶端,AC长35米,CB长80米. 设点A,B在同一水平面上, 从A和B看D的仰角分别为α和β。
施工完成后,CD与铅垂方向有偏差.现在实测得α=38.12 ,β=18.45,求CD的长(结果精确到0.01米).

10题:Clearly and thoughtfully________, the book inspires confidence in students who wish to seek their own answers.
B.to write
D.being written




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