
1题:1925年,美国田纳西州的中学教师斯科普斯因在课堂上讲授达尔文进化论而被判有罪。该州还立法禁止教师传授任何有违背圣经上帝造人教导的学说。此法在该州一直适用到1967年。据此可知( )



3题:阅读下文,完成第8~10题。古之人非无宝也,其所宝者异也。孙叔敖疾,将死,戒其子曰:“王数封我矣,吾不受也。为我死,王{{U}}则{{/U}}封汝,必无受利地。楚越之间有寝之丘者,此其地不利,而名甚恶。荆人畏鬼,而越人信机①。可长有者,其唯此也。”孙叔敖死,王果以美地封其子,而子辞,请寝之丘,故至今不失。孙叔敖之知,知以不利为利矣。{{U}}知以人之所恶为己之所喜,此有道者之所以异乎俗也。{{/U}}伍员②亡,荆急求之,登太行而望郑曰:“盖是国也,地险而民多{{U}}知{{/U}};其主,俗主也,不足与举。”去郑而之许,见许公而问所之。许公不应,东南向而唾。伍员再拜受赐曰:“知所之矣。”因如吴。过于荆,至江上,欲涉,见一丈人,{{U}}刺{{/U}}小船,方将渔,从而请焉。丈人度之,绝江。问其名族,则不肯告,解其剑以予丈人,曰:“此千金之剑也,愿献之丈人。”丈人不肯受曰:“荆国之法,得伍员者,爵执圭,禄万担,金千镒。昔者子胥过,吾犹不取,今我何以子之千金剑为乎?”伍员适于吴,使人求之江上则不能得也。每食必祭之,每食必祭之,祝曰:“江上之丈人!天地至大矣,至重矣,将奚不有为也?而无以为。为奚而无以为之。{{U}}名不可得而闻,身不可得而见。其惟江上之丈人乎:”{{/U}}宋之野人耕而得玉,献之司城子罕,子罕不受。野人请曰:“此野人之宝也,愿相国为之赐而受之也。”子罕曰:“子以玉为宝,我以不受为宝。”故宋国之长者曰:“子罕非无宝也,所宝者异也。” 今以百金与{{U}}抟{{/U}}黍以示儿子,儿子必取抟黍矣;以和氏之璧与百金以示鄙人,鄙人必取百金矣;以和氏之璧、道德之至言以示贤者,贤者必取至言矣。其知弥精,其所取弥精;其知弥粗,其所取弥粗。 见《吕氏春秋﹒孟冬季﹒异宝》【注】①机:吉凶之兆。②伍员,字子婿,春秋时楚人。父奢兄尚均被楚平王杀害,后奔吴,佐吴王阖闾伐楚。 下列对原文的理解和分析,{{U}}不准确{{/U}}的一项是( )

4题:All types of stress study, whether under laboratory or real-life situations, study mechanisms for increasing the arousal level of the brain.
The brain blood flow studies show that reciting the days of the week and months of the year increases blood flow in appropriate areas, whereas problem solving which demands intense concentration of a reasoning type produces much larger changes in the distribution of blood in the brain.
Between these basic studies of brain function and real life situations there is still a considerable gap, but reasonable deduction seems possible to try and understand what happens to the brain. Life consists of a series of events which may be related to work or to our so-called leisure time. Work may be relatively automatic—as with typing, for instance, it requires intense concentration and repetition during the learning phase to establish a pattern in the brain. Then the typist’s fingers automatically move to hit the appropriate keys as she reads the words on the copy.
However, when she gets tired she makes mistakes much more frequently. To overcome this she has to raise her level of arousal and concentration but beyond a certain point the automatic is lost and thinking about hitting the keys leads to more mistakes.
Other jobs involve intense concentration such as holding bottles of wine up to a strong light and turning them upside down to look for particles of dirt falling down. This sounds quite easy but experience teaches that workers can do this for only about thirty minutes before they start making a mistake. This is partly because the number of occasions with dirt in the bottle is low and the arousal level, therefore, fails. Scientists have shown that devices to raise arousal level will increase the accuracy of looking for relatively rare events.
A、recent study of the effect of loss of sleep in young doctors showed that in tests involving a challenge to their medical judgment when short of sleep they raised their arousal level and became better at tests of grammatical reasoning as well.
According to the brain blood flow studies, problem solving ______.
A、increases blood flow in some areas of the brain
B、causes changes in the distribution of blood in the brain
C、demands intense concentration of blood in certain areas
D、is based on the ability to recite the time


6题:15. 补写出下列名篇名句中的空缺部分。(5分) (5)尽吾志也而不能至者,可以无悔矣,______________?(王安石《游褒禅山记》)

7题:(25分)阅读材料,完成下列要求。材料一我国是最早利用海洋的国家之一,殷墟即发现了来自南海乃至阿曼湾的海贝。齐国借助“边海”的地理条件,发展“鱼盐之利”,成为春秋战国时最为富庶的国家。汉 代“海上丝绸之路”雏形即已出现,魏晋而后,僧人“附商舶”西行“求法”,成为佛教东传的重要方式。宋元时代指南针等远洋航行工具的使用,使海外贸易达到 鼎盛,明朝前期,在郑和下西洋的背景下,出现了一批重要的航海著作,如《瀛涯胜览》《星槎胜览》《西洋番国志》等,记录海行见闻,反映当时东南亚、印度以 及阿拉伯、东非等地的风土人情、山川形胜。明后期,郑若曾针对倭寇等问题,在《筹海图编》中明确提出“海防”的主张:“欲航行于大洋,必先战胜于大洋。” 而明、清政府常常采用“海禁”的办法。到鸦片战争前,“各省水师战船,均为捕盗缉奸而设”。——摘编自白寿彝总主编《中国通文》等材料二鸦片战争后,中国被卷入世界市场体系,通商口岸不断增加。魏源认为海运“优于”河运者有四利:利国、利民、利官、利商。1842~1846年,茶出口增长一 倍,丝的出口增长将近五倍;1846~1856年,差出口有增长55%丝的出口增长三倍多,海关税收从1861年的490余万两增加到1902年的 3000余万两。1866年,左宗棠创办福州船政局,附设福州船政学堂。1868年,江南制造总局制造的第一艘近代海轮“惠吉”号下水,1872年轮船招 商局成立,“使我内江外海之利,不致为洋人占尽”。1885年,海军衙门设立。随着西方商品与资本输出的扩大,部分国人提出与列强进行“商战”。1904 年,张謇上奏朝廷,请准各省成立海洋渔业公司,购置新式渔轮,发展海洋渔业。19世纪60年代后,清政府与英法等国签订条约,允许百姓出国,“毫无禁 阻”,仅南洋地区,就有中国移民500万人。 ——摘编自许涤新、吴承明主编《中国资本主义发展史》等 根据材料一、二并结合所学只是,分析指出晚清海洋利用的主要变化及启示。(15分)

8题: 当今世界的头等大事是

9题: 产生降钙素的内分泌腺是( )。

10题:In the 1950s, the pioneers of artificial intelligenceAI) predicted that, by the end of this century, computers would be conversing with us at work and robots would be performing our housework.But as useful as computers are, they’re nowhere close to achieving anything remotely resembling these early aspirations for humanlike behavior. Never mind something as complex as conversation: the most powerful computers struggle to reliably recognize the shape of an object, the most elementary of tasks for a ten-month-old kiD、

A、growing group ofAI researchers think they know where the field went wrong. The problem, the scientists say, is thatAI has been trying to separate the highest, most abstract levels of thought, like language and mathematics, and to duplicate them with logical, step-by-step programs.
A、new movement inAI, on the other hand, takes a closer look at the more roundabout way in which nature came up with intelligence. Many of these researchers study evolution and natural adaptation instead of formal logic and conventional computer programs. Rather than digital computers and transistors, some want to work with brain cells and proteins. The results of these early efforts are as promising as they are peculiar, and the new nature-basedAI movement is slowly but surely moving to the forefront of the fielD、
Imitating the brain’s neural (神经的) network is a huge step in the fight direction, says computer scientist and biophysicist MichaelConrad, but it still misses an important aspect of natural intelligence. "People tend to treat the brain as if it were made up of color-coded transistors," he explains. "But it’s not simply a clever network of switches. There are lots of important things going on inside the brain cells themselves." Specifically,Conrad believes that many of the brain’s capabilities stem from the pattern-recognition proficiency of the individual molecules that make up each brain cell. The best way to build an artificially intelligent device, he claims, would be to build it around the same sort of molecular skills.
Right now, the notion that conventional computers and software are fundamentally incapable of matching the processes that take place in the brain remains controversial.But if it proves true, then the efforts ofConrad and his fellowAI rebels could turn out to be the only game in town.
The author says that the powerful computers of today ______.
A、are capable of reliably recognizing the shape of an object
B、are close to exhibiting humanlike behavior
C、are not very different in their performance from those of the 1950’s
D、still cannot communicate with people in a human language




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