

2题:The boy students in this school are nearly ______ as the girl students to say they intended to get a college degree in business.
A、as likely twice
B、likely as twice
C、as twice likely
D、twice as likely


4题:AWant to improve your writing skills New Writing South is directing the way! Towner Writer Squad (班组)for kids aged 13-17Led by comedy and TV writer, Marian Kilpatrick, Towner Writer Squad will meet once a month at the contemporary art museum for 11 months, starting 12 October, 2014.The FREE、squad sessions will include introductions to a wide range of writing styles, from poetry to play writing and lyrics (抒情诗)to flash fiction, to support the development of young writers.Application & SelectionIf you would like to apply to be part of the Towner Writer Squad, please send a sample piece of your writing (about 500 words), responding to the title‘LUNCH,’with your name, age, address and e-mail address to: debo@newwritingsouth.com.Once all applications are in, com you will be invited to an open selection event on 17 September,4-5pm, at the gallery of Towner. This will be an informal opportunity to meet the Squad Leader, SquadAssociate and other young people.You will also have a chance to get to know the fantastic gallery space and get a taste of what’s to come.Deadline for applications: 8 September, 2014For further information go to: facebook.com/towner or towner.org.uk or newwritingsouth.comAny questions 一 feel free to send your e-mail to Towner Writer SquadAssociate: whame@towner.gov.uk* * * * * * * * *Beginner Writing Project for kids aged 10-13Due to popular demand, a writing project will be started for eager beginners.Start time: 6 September, 2014Meet every other Saturday,2-4pm, at the Towner StudyCentre.Study and write at your own pace 一 you do not have to rush 一 as you have a year to go through the project. Practise under the guidance of some experienced writers and teachers who can help you with basic writing skills. Most importantly, build confidence and have fun while writing!No previous experience or special background is require
D、Many others have been successful this way. If they can do it, why can’t you Fee: £179For more information go to: newtowner.org.uk or generate.org.uk Applications for the Writer Squad should be e-mailed no later than _______.
A、6 September, 2014

B、8 September, 2014
C.17 September, 2014

D、12 October, 2014

5题: 当今威胁世界和平和阻碍发展的主要根源是( )


在焙烧明矾的反应中,还原剂是 __________ 。

8题:(二)文化经典阅读(6分)阅读下面的《论语》和《孟子》选段,完成后面的题目。(6分)①富与贵,是人之所欲也;不以其道得之,不处①。也。(《论语 里仁》)②非其义也,非其道也,一介②不以与人,一介不以取诸人。(《孟子 万章上》)[注]①不处:不享有。②一介:一点点小东西。 请概括上面两个选段主张的共同之处。(2分)

9题:21.(13分) (1)图甲为一游标卡尺的结构示意图,当测量一钢笔帽的内径时,应该用游标卡尺的__________(填“A”“B”或“C”)进行测量;示数如图乙所示,该钢笔帽的内径为________mm。





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