
根据提供的信息和语言素材设计教学方案,用英文作答。 设计任务:请阅

2017年09月22日来源:教师资格证考试 所有评论

•teaching objectives
•teaching contents
• key and difficult points
•major steps and time allocation
• activities and justifications
 Dinosaurs lived on the Earth over sixty million years ago. This was a long time before people existed. Dinosaurs lived everywhere. Some were as small as chickens. Others were as big as ten elephants. Some dinosaurs even had wings and could fly.
Many dinosaurs were harmless.They were as gentle as sheep and ate plants.Others were harmful.They were fiercer than tigers and ate meat.
Dinosaurs all died out suddenly.Nobody knows why.We know about the lives of dinosaurs
from the skeletons,eggs and footprints they left behind.

Teaching Contents : An article is about dinosaurs and the other article is about Diogenes. Class Type: Reading and writing class Teaching Objectives : (1) Knowledge objective Students can understand the knowledge about dinosaurs and Diogenes and master the writing skills to describe people and object. (2) Ability objective Mter learning the materials, students' ability of writing and reading will be well developed. (3) Emotional objective Students can get more information about dinosaurs and Diogenes and become more interested in science. Teaching Key and Difficult Point: How to describe people and objects in writing. Teaching Aid : Multi-media Teaching Procedures.  Step 1 Warming up and leading-in (5 minutes) (1) Greeting. (2) Lead in the topic of dinosaurs by filling in the chart below:   dinosaurs What   When   Where   Characteristics   Collect students' ideas and lead them to the topic of dinosaurs. (Justification: This step can attract students to the lesson.) Step 2 Reading and listening (7 minutes) (1) Listen to the tape about the dinosaurs. (2) Answer the following questions according to the first passage. Are all the dinosaurs the same size?  What are the characteristics of the harmless dinosaurs?And what are about the harmful ones? Why did the dinosaurs die out suddenly? (3) Answer the following questions according to the second passage. Who was Diogenes? When and where did he live? What did he own? Did he feel happy?And give an example. (4) Listen to the tape about Diogenes. (Justification : Focus students' attention on the main topic of the reading passages. The listening practice makes students have a further understanding of the passages.) Step 3 Before-writing (5 minutes) (1) How to describe people or objects? (what, who, when, where, why, how ...) Eg:   dinosaurs Diogenes lWhat/Who     When     Where     Characteristics     (2) Pay attention to the following points when writing: Make clear of the "wh-"words and present the information in details. Arrange the above information in certain order. Describe people and objects in vivid words and expressions. Write more about the important parts and less of the less important ones to make sure the passage is clearly organized. (3) Give students another topic to write. 请根据下表内容,用英语写一篇介绍法国著名的作家和诗人莫泊桑的短文。词数120左右。  姓名和国籍莫泊(Guy de Maupassant)。法国经历学生时代开始写小说,30多岁成名,43岁因病去世成就一生共写了六部长篇小说,300多篇中篇小说和短篇小说代表作短篇小说《项链》,主要描写中小资产阶级的生活(Justification: In this part, the teacher uses the two passages given above to train students' analyzing and summarizing ability. In the process of summarizing the writing skills, students know how to write and what to write.) Step 4 While-writing (20 minutes) 1) Get students to outline the writing. Paragraph 1--introduction to Guy de Maupassant(who, when, how) Paragraph 2--achievements and masterpieces(what, how, why) (2) Some key words and expressions... a famous ... writer and poet, when ... a studentwrite novels ... known ... in his thirties. In all his lifesix long novels and ... novelettes and short storiesreflect ..., ... typical details ... best-known short story --The Necklace --... died ... (3) Allow students some time to write it on paper. (Justification : The activity of outlining the writing helps students strengthen what they have learned during this lesson and gives them the structure.) Step 5 Mter-writing (5 minutes) Ask one student to read what he or she wrote just now. The teacher shows the standards of writing. Let students assess the writing and give suggestions and opinions. The teacher should give more appreciation to encourage students to love writing. An example: Guy de Maupassant is a famous French writer and poet, who is considered as the greatest short story writer in the French history. When he was a student, he began to write novels and became known to the French people in his thirties. In all his life, Guy de Maupassant wrote six long novels and more than three hundred novelettes and short stories. His novels mainly reflect the social life of middle and petty bourgeoisies. He was good at writing typical details from common things and his best-known short story--The Necklace is considered to be the best in this area. He died at the age of 43 because of illness. (Justification : This step can make students get a better idea of how to write this kind of composition.) Step 6 Summary and Homework(3 minutes) Summary: Retell what they have learned in this class. Homework : (1) Listen to the tape and read the text aloud. (2) Ask students to rewrite and copy their compositions. (Justification: This step can check out their writings and whether the students achieve the teaching objectives.) Blackboard Design:   dinosaurs Diogenes What,Who     When     Where     Characteristics     查看试题解析出处>>

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