
解析:While social scientists are devotin

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【单选题】While social scientists are devoting much of their effort to poverty research, ______.
A.not enough legal frameworks have been created to relieve the condition of the poor
B.they have done little to actually provide relief programs for the poor
C.they ignore the role of the elites as an object for poverty research
D.the poor people themselves do not much appreciate such effort

从第二段中“The elites have images of…in popular stereotypes.”可知,这些精英名流具有穷人与贫困的意象,这些意象可促使他们形成决策和采取行动。可至今,对这类意象的研究不多,知之甚少。由此推断研究人员或社会科学家在研究贫困课题中,不注意研究精英名流的作用,所以选C。 查看试题解析出处>>


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