
解析:According to this passage, Motorol

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【单选题】 According to this passage, Motorola Inc. ______.
A.is the world's largest mobile phone maker
B.is trying to become a mobile technology provider besides being a mobile phone maker
C.will only sell chips of the mobile phones
D.is going to sell all its manufacturing plants


从第一段第四行“is trying to become a neutral provider of mobile technology to rivals”,以及最后一段第一句“Burgess said the new business will not conflict with Motorola's own mobile phone business.”可以看出选项B的意思在文中全有体现。第一段开头说“Motorola,the world's second-largest mobile phone maker”所以可见A是错误的。从第一段倒数第四行“but this is the first time the company will offer its entire line of chips as well as a detailed blueprint.”可以看出C也是不确切的。至于D,文章中没有提到有关工厂的事情。 查看试题解析出处>>


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