
解析:It can be inferred from the passag

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【单选题】 It can be inferred from the passage that one difference between lobsters in the earlier stages of development and those in the juvenile fourth and fifth stages is that lobsters in the early stages are ______.
A.likely to be less active
B.likely to be less symmetrical
C.more likely to replace a crusher claw with a cutter claw
D.more likely to regenerate a lost claw


由最后一段的内容可知,龙虾触角不对称的形成是在第四和第五期,因为这一时期龙虾的生活环境发生改变,它们开始使用触角工作,而在这之前它们只是被动的随波逐流。 查看试题解析出处>>


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