
解析:In the past it was expected that fi

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【单选题】In the past it was expected that first-job hunters would ______.
A.write an initial letter giving their life history
B.pass some exams before applying for a job
C.have no qualifications other than being able to read and write
D.keep any detailed information until they obtained an interview


文章第三段指出:在过去,求职信里仅仅“put down your name,address,age and whether you have passed any exams”,信只充当开门砖的作用,“Everything else could and should be saved for the interview”,即其他所有的都得留到面试时。故选项D正确。 document.getElementById("warp").style.display="none"; document.getElementById("content").style.display="block"; 查看试题解析出处>>


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