
解析:Today, we have the longest peacetim

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【单选题】Today, we have the longest peacetime expansion in our history.After years and years of deficits, we now have budget surpluses for years aheaD、More people have a chance to realize theAmericanDream than ever before. More children have a chance to realize their full potential than ever before. We’ve laid a foundation to preserve our prosperity for future generations.
Now, as the budget deadline rapidly approaches this year, we face many of the same tough choices again.And once again, I think the answer is clear: To build a strong nation in the new century, we must continue to invest in our future. That means we must strengthen social security, secure and modernize medicare, and pay off the national debt in fifteen years, makingAmerica debt-free for the first time since 1835.And once again, it means we must invest in education, not sacrifice it.
Months ago, I sentCongress a responsible budget to maintain our fiscal discipline and honor our commitment to ourChildren’s education. So far the Republicans inCongress haven’t put forth a budget of their own. In fact, they’re so busy trying to figure Out how to pay for their irresponsible tax plan that they’re in serious danger of not meeting their obligation to finish the budget by the end of the budget year.Even worse, they’re preparing to pay for their own pet projects at the expense of our children’s education.
We know now that the Republicans’ risky tax cut would force us to slash vital funding for education by as much as 50 percent over the next ten years.But what many people don’t know is that next year alone, the Republican plan would cut the bill that funds education by nearly 20 percent.
Now, ff carried out, this plan would lead to some of the worst cuts in education in our history. More than 5,000 teachers could be laid off. Fifty thousand students could be turned away from after-school and summer-school programs. More than 2 million of our poorest students in our poorest communities would have a smaller chance of success in school and in the workplaces of the future. These aren’t just numbers on a balance sheet; they’re vital investments in our children and our future.
In a time when education is our top priority, Republicans inCongress are making it their lowest priority. So let me be clear: ff the Republicans send me a bill that doesn’t live up to our national commitment to education, I won’t hesitate to veto it. If it undermines our efforts to hire high-quality teachers to reduce class size in our public schools, I will veto it. If it fails to strengthen after-school, and summer-school programs, I’ll veto it. If it underfunds college scholarship programs, I will veto it. If it sends me a bill that turns its back on our children and their future, I’ll send them back to the drawing boarD、I won’t letCongress push through a budget that’s paid for at the expense of our children and our future prosperity.
Which of the following is NOT stated or implied in this passage
A、Fifty-thousand students could be turned away from after-school programs.
B、Budget deficits will increase.
C、Education funding may be cut by 50 percent over a ten-year perioD、
D、The national debt may be paid off.

B(预算赤字会增加)没有提到。作者在第一段指出,经过多年的亏损以后,我们未来的预算会有盈余,这说明再不会出现赤字。A在倒数第二段中提到;C在倒数第三段开头提到;D在第二段中提到。 document.getElementById("warp").style.display="none"; document.getElementById("content").style.display="block"; 查看试题解析出处>>


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