
解析:Children loam almost nothing from t

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【单选题】Children loam almost nothing from television, and the more they watch, the less they remember. They regard television purely (71) entertainment, resent programs that put (72) on them and are surprised that anybody should (73) the medium seriously. Far from being over-excited by programs, they are mildly (74) with the whole thing. These are the main conclusions from a new study of children and television. The author,CardiacCullingford, (75) that the modem child is a (76) viewer. The study suggests that there is little (77) in the later hours.All 11-year-olds have watched programs after midnight.
Apart from the obvious waste of time (78) , it seems that all this viewing has little effect.Cullingford says that children can recall few details. They can remember exactly which programs they have seen but they can (79) explain the elements of a particular plot. Recall was in " (80) proportion to the amount they had watcheD、"It is precisely because television, (81) a teacher, demands so little attention and response (82) children like it, arguesCullingforD、Programs seeking to (83) serious messages are strongly dislikeD、 (84) people who frequently talk on screen. What children like most are the advertisements. They see them as short programs (85) their own right and particularly enjoy humorous presentation.But again, they (86) strongly against high-pressure advertisements that attempt openly to (87) them.
In addition, children are not (88) involved in the programs. If they admire the stars, it is because the actors lead glamorous lives and earn a lot of money, (89) their fictional skills with fast cars and shooting villains, children are perfectly (90) the functions of advertisements.And saysCullingford, educational television is probably least successful of an in imparting attitudes or information.
A.partly because
B.mainly because
C.not because
D.not because of


语法题。根据句意,谈及儿童们喜欢明星的原因,只有选项D not because of符合逻辑和语法,连接一个名词短语。A partly because,B mainly because和C not because均不符合句意及语法结构。句意:儿童们喜欢明星仅仅是因为他们引领着潮流并能挣很多的钱,而不是因为他们高超的飞车技术和为民除害。 document.getElementById("warp").style.display="none"; document.getElementById("content").style.display="block"; 查看试题解析出处>>


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