
解析:The next time the men were taken up

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【单选题】The next time the men were taken up onto the deck, Kunta made a point of looking at the man behind him in line, the one who lay beside him to the left when they were below. He was a Serer tribesman much older than Kunta, and his body, front and back, was creased with whip cuts, some of them so deep and festering that Kunta, felt badly for having wished sometimes that be might strike the man in the darkness for moaning so steadily in his pain. Staring back at Kunta, the Serer’s dark eyes were full of fury and defiance.
A、whip lashed out even as they stood looking at each other--this time at Kunta, spurring him to move aheaD、Trying to roll away, Kunta was kicked heavily in his ribs.But somehow he and the gasping Wolof managed to stagger back up among the other men from their shelf who were shambling toward their dousing with bucked of seawater.

A、moment later, the stinging saltiness of it was burning in Kunta’s wounds, and his screams joined those of others over the sound of the drum and the wheezing thing that had again begun marking time for the chained men to jump and dance for the toubo
B、Kunta and the Wolof were so weak from their new beating that twice they stumbled, but whip blows and kicks sent them hopping clumsily up and down in their chains. So great was his fury that Kunta was barely aware of the women singing "Toubob fa!"And when he had finally been chained back down in his place in the dark hold, his heart throbbed with a lust to murder toubo
Every few days the eight naked toubob would againCome into the stinking darkness and scrape their tubs full of the excrement that had accumulated on the shelves where the chained men lay. Kunta would lie still with his eyes staring balefully in hatred, following the bobbing orange lights, listening to the toubob cursing and sometimes slipping and tailing into the slickness underfoot--so plentiful now, because of the increasing looseness of the men’s bowels, that the filth had begun to drop off the edges of the shelves down into the aisleway.
The last time they were on deck, Kunta had noticed a man limping on a badly infected leg. This time the man was kept up on deck when the rest were taken back below.
A、few days later, the women told the other prisoners in their singing that the man’s leg had been cut off and that one of the women had been brought to tend him, but that the man had died that night and been thrown over the side. Starting then, when the toubob came to clean the shelves, they also dropped re&hot pieces of metal into pails of strong vinegar. The clouds of acrid steam left the hold smelling better, but soon it would again be overwhelmed by the choking stink. It was a smell that Kunta felt would never leave his lungs and skin.
The steady murmuring that went on in the hold whenever the toubob were gone kept growing in volume and intensity as the men began to communicate better and better with one another. Words not understood were whispered from mouth to ear along the shelves until someone who knew more than one tongue would send back their meanings. In the process, all of the men along each shelf learned new words in tongues they had not spoken before. Sometimes men jerked upward, bumping their heads, in the double excitement of communicating with each other and the fact that it was being done without the toubob’s knowledge. Muttering among themselves for hours, the men developed a deepening sense of intrigue and of brotherhooD、Though they were of different villages and tribes, the feeling grew that they were not from different peoples or places.
Despite their intense pain and suffering, theBlack men found a small measure of comfort in ______.
A、their exercise periods on deck

B、the breathtaking ocean scenery
C.their conversations with theBlack women
D.their conversations with one another


[解析] 题干的意思是“尽管他们遭受剧烈的疼痛和非人的折磨,黑人们在何种情况下找到了一丝安慰”。由最后一段可以看出,他们尽管说不同的语言,但能够相互交流令他们感到很激动。所以D document.getElementById("warp").style.display="none"; document.getElementById("content").style.display="block"; 查看试题解析出处>>


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