
解析:Historically, Jeep’s reputation as

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【分析解答题】Historically, Jeep’s reputation as a go-anywhere vehicle dates back to the Second World War when the original Jeeps, supplied by the Willys company, carriedAllied forces through the Pacific andEurope.
The MacquarieDictionary of Motoring says the name Jeep stemmed from the United StatesArmy’s decision to call the vehicle GP, for General Purpose vehicle. The name was eventually corrupted to "jeep," from the pronunciation of the letters GP, and became a trademark owned by the Willy company.
Jeep became part ofChrysler in 1988 and the company has since spent a lot of money to revitalize the Jeep production facilities, and to increase the number and style of models available.Chrysler says the Jeep’s wartime reputation and rugged image undoubtedly helped it to carve out a new role in peacetime as a recreational vehicle. It says the Jeep created the original market for recreational, off-road vehicles using the powerful four-wheel drive traction (known commercially as 4 WD、for which the army jeep was famous.

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