
解析:Which of the following statements

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【单选题】 Which of the following statements could most logically follow the last sentence of the passage
A.Thus, without the cultural diversity represented by the American South, the culture of colonial America would certainly have been homogeneous in nature.
B.Thus, the contribution of Southern colonials to American culture was certainly overshadowed by that of the Puritans.
C.Thus, convergence, not divergence, seems to have characterized the cultural development of the American colonies in the eighteenth century.
D.Thus, the culture of America during the Colonial period was far more sensitive to outside influence than historians are accustomed to acknowledge.


此题可用排除法。A如果没有南方文化的异样性,整个美洲文化就会趋同,说法太绝对,不正确。B南部文化被清教徒文化所遮蔽,与原文意思相反。D文中没有涉及这个问题。 查看试题解析出处>>


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