
解析:We can reasonably conclude from the

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【单选题】We can reasonably conclude from the passage that______.
A.the world telecom market has been fully explored since the signing of the WTO pact
B.telecom companies of the U.S. and U. K. will undoubtedly dominate the world telecom market
C.many governments have granted a great investment in their telecom business
D.the WTO pact means tougher competition for telecom companies and gentler price for callers

文中第一段,作者谈到该条约paves the way for more foreign investment and competition,暗示了电信公司将会面临更大竞争,第三段作者谈到了现今电信不再是垄断行业,话费因此就大大降低,并列举了美国长途话费仅仅12美分一分钟,由此可判断该条约会导致通信费用降低,选项D正确。 document.getElementById("warp").style.display="none"; document.getElementById("content").style.display="block"; 查看试题解析出处>>


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