
解析:Questions 21—23 are based on the p

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【单选题】Questions 21—23 are based on the passage about ice phrases. You now have 15 seconds to read Questions 21—23. What is the meaning of "Skating on thin ice"A.One may be doing something quite difficult.
B.One may be doing something quite risky.
C.One may be doing something quite annoying.
D.One may be doing something impossible.


[听力原文]21-23 In many places, ice is as widely used as bread, and it would be surprising indeed if ice did not give birth to many special phrases. The expression "to break the ice" means, to make the first move to do something for the first time; action is not possible until the ice is broken. Later, the expression developed another meaning concerning relationships. When you have not broken the ice with someone, you have not yet cleared the way to his trust in you, to his friendship. You must get through to him, just as the small boats had to clear the river’s ice jam. When you tell someone that he "cuts no ice" with you, you are making clear to him that you are not moved or impressed or influenced by him in any way. You are putting it to him straight—he is getting nowhere with you. "Skating on thin ice" is something else. This means that a man may be doing or saying something risky. It might be offensive and get him into trouble. Thin ice is not much support; if he is not more careful, he may fall right through. In sports or any other kind of contest, you will hear the phrase, "The game is on ice" or "It is iced up". This simply means that the game is really over, that one side is so far ahead that the other cannot catch up. There is no longer any doubt as to who the winner will be. 整篇文章介绍与冰有关的成语,所以对每条成语文章都有详细解释。从句子“This means that a man may be doing or saying something risky. It might be offensive and get him into trouble. Thin ice is not much support; if he is not more careful, he may fall right through.”可以理解skating on thin ice的意思是B。 document.getElementById("warp").style.display="none"; document.getElementById("content").style.display="block"; 查看试题解析出处>>


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