
解析:5 Most people who develop Lyme

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Most people who develop Lyme disease, a tick-born infection that’s endemic in parts of the Northeast and Midwest, are easily cured by taking an antibiotic like doxycycline for a couple of weeks.But for years a debate has raged over what to do about patients whose symptoms (fatigue, mental confusion, joint pain) never seem to clear up. One small but vocal group of doctors and patient advocates believes that Lyme’s corkscrew-shaped spiro chetes have tunneled deep into their victims’ bodies and can be eradicated only with inten sive antibiotic treatment over many months.Another group believes, just as adamantly, that the bacteria are long gone, making further treatment with powerful antibiotics which can lead to potentially fatal infections or blood clots--positively dangerous.
Now comes word of two studies in the NewEngland Journal of Medicine that show that long-term antibiotic treatment is no better than a placebo for folks with chronic Lyme disease. Originally scheduled for publication in July, the research is part of a group of find ings made public last week—just in time for the peak Lyme months of June and July. If con firmed by another major study that’s looking at chronic Lyme and antibiotics from a slight ly different perspective, the results would seem to settle the question once and for all.
Researchers fromBoston, New Haven,Conn., and Valhalla, N.Y., followed 129 patients who had previously been treated for well-documented cases of Lyme disease. Sixty four were given antibiotics directly into their veins for a month, followed by two months of oral antibiotics. The others received dummy medications.A、third of the chronic Lyme pa tients got better while taking the antibiotics.But so did a third of those on the placebo. Indeed, the results were so similar that a monitoring board decided to cut the trials short rather than add more subjects to the test groups.
Unfortunately, the debate over chronic Lyme has become so heated that no one ex pects the controversy to go away.But both sides may take comfort in the other findings that were released by the NewEngland Journal last week.After studying 482 subjects bit ten by deer ticks in a part of New York with a lot of Lyme disease, researchers concluded that a singly 200-mg dose of doxycycline dramatically cut the risk of contracting the dis ease. That good news is tempered somewhat by the fact that 80% of patients who develop the infection don’t remember ever being bitten by a tick. (The bugs inject an anesthetic in to the skin to mask the pain and in their nymph stage are so small—about the size of a pop- py seed--that they are easily overlookeD、)
There’s still plenty you can do to protect yourself in a Lyme-infested neighborhood: tuck your pants in your socks, sprayDEET on your clothing, check yourself and your kids for ticks.And if you develop a spreading red rash—particularly if it’s accompanied by joint pain, chills or confusion make sure you see a doctor right away. The trick, as al ways, is to be vigilant without overreacting.
With respect to treating chronic Lyme,______.A.even the patients doubt the antibiotic treatment
B.doxycycline has been regarded as the most effective
C.doctors disagree as to the effect of strong antibiotics
D.moderate antibiotics are better than intensive ones


[解析] 从第一段的内容可知,……多年来一直有争论。有一些医生和病人认为只能用强力抗生素治疗数月才能根除。另外一些人认为再用强力抗生素治疗可能会引起致命的 感染或血液凝结。因此C项“医生对于强力抗生素的意见不一”为正确答案。 document.getElementById("warp").style.display="none"; document.getElementById("content").style.display="block"; 查看试题解析出处>>

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