
解析:Foreign propagandists have a strang

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【单选题】Foreign propagandists have a strange misconception of our national character. They believe that weAmericans must be hybrid, mongrel, undynamic; and we are called so by the enemies of democracy because, they say, so many races have been fused together in our national life. They believe we are disunited and defenseless because we argue with each other, because we engage in political campaigns, because we recognize the sacred right of the minority to disagree with the majority and to express that disagreement even loudly. It is the very mingling of races, dedicated to common ideals, which creates and recreates our vitality. In every representativeAmerican meeting there will be people with names like Jackson and Lincoln and Isaacs and Schultz and Kovack and Sartori and Jones and Smith. TheseAmericans with varieD、backgrounds are all immigrants or the descendants of immigrants.All of them are inheritors of the same stalwart tradition of unusual enterprise, of adventurousness, of courage--courage to "pull up stakes and git moving". That has been the great compelling force in our history. Our continent, our hemisphere, has been populated by people who wanted a life better than the life they had previously known. They were willing to undergo all conceivable hardships to achieve the better life. They were animated, just as we are animated today, by this compelling force. It is what makes usAmericans.
The title below that best expresses the main idea of this selection is ______.

A、NoCommon Ideals
B、America’s Motivating Force
C、American Immigrants
D、TheEvils of Foreign Propaganda

最适合表达本文大意的标题是:美国行为的驱动力。作者在文中指出,正是献身于共同理想的各个种族的融合才创造并重新创造了美国的活力。美国居住着许多想过上比他们以前经历过的更美好生活的人,他们愿意经受所有可以想像的艰难困苦以实现更加美好的生活。正如当今的美国人生机勃勃那样,当时的美国人也被这种动力弄得生机勃勃。这种动力造就了美国人。 document.getElementById("warp").style.display="none"; document.getElementById("content").style.display="block"; 查看试题解析出处>>


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