
解析:Another example of the exercise of

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【单选题】Another example of the exercise of power byCongress was the action it took during the Reconstruction Period after theCivil War. It has already been noted that President Johnson favored a lenient policy toward the South and attempted to carry out Lincoln’s "10 percent plan". He pardoned most of the Southern leaders and permitted them to restore their state governments. They were permitted to elect Senators and Representatives.
Congress, however, led by the Radical Republican Thaddeus Stevens, had other ideas about the handing of the defeatedConfederacy.Congress favored punitive policies. The South should be treated as conquered territory, and its readmission should be handled byCongress rather than the President.Congress opposed the "Johnson Governments" and the "BlackCodes" passed by Southern states which virtually restored former slaves to their masters.Accordingly, it passed the ReconstructionAct of 1867. This measure divided the South into five military districts and provided that a seceded state would be readmitted in the Union only after it had ratified the 14thAmendment which provided that all persons born or naturalized in the United States should be citizens of the United States and of the state in which they resided, granted equality before the law to all persons, and prohibited a state from depriving any person of life, liberty, or property without due process of law.Congress also barred rebel leaders from federal office, repudiated theConfederate debt, and reduced the representation of states which barred qualified persons from voting. Later it adopted the 15thAmendement guaranteeing the Negroes the right to vote.
Johnson vigorously opposed these measures. He vetoed the ReconstructionAct and others, only to seeCongress repass them over his veto.After such passage of the Tenure of OfficeAct, Johnson, believing it unconstitutional, violated it and removed a member of hisCabinet without consultingCongress. The House of Representatives proceeded to impeach Johnson. The Senate, however, failed, by one vote, to reach the two-thirds majority necessary for his removal.
The ReconstructionAct of 1867 ______.
A、endorsed the "BlackCodes"
B.was vetoed by the President
C.utilized Lincoln’s "10 percent plan"
D.was declared unconstitutional by the President


1867年的重建法令受到了总统的否决。第三段开头一句提到了这一点。 document.getElementById("warp").style.display="none"; document.getElementById("content").style.display="block"; 查看试题解析出处>>


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