
解析:{{B}}Passage 2{{/B}} Yeats

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【单选题】{{B}}Passage 2{{/B}}

Yeats was beginning to use a vocabulary freshly minted from the treasury of Gaelic literature, and many of the shorter poems in TheCountess Kathleen and Various Legends and Lyrics (1892) deal with a mythology Ireland had well nigh forgotten andEngland never known. ForArthur and his Round Table Yeats substituted the very differentConchubar and his RedBranch Warriors, and Finn and his Fenians. The RedBranch cycle of legends included Fergus, whom Ness had tricked out of his kingdom so that her sonConchubar could rule over Ulster in his stead, and in Fergus and theDruid Yeats makes him avid for dreaming wisdom. Fergus was the unwitting agent of the doom of the Sons of Usna, Naoise the lover ofDeirdre and his brothersArdan andAinle, who had accompanied the lovers to Scotland when they fled fromConchubar’s wrath, forDeirdre wasConchubar’s intended bride. Fergus had persuaded them to return against the wishes ofDeirdre and had been tricked out of acting as their safe conduct. He joined with Maeve, Queen ofConnaught, after this, in her raid on Ulster, in whichCuehulain achieved his great fame as Ulster’s champion.Cuehulain is theAchilles of the Irish Saga, and he appears throughout Yeats’s plays and poems, as warrior, as husband ofEmer, as lover ofEithne Inguba, and ofAoife, as the unknowing killer of his own son and finally as victim of the seA、
Cuchulain is called the "Achilles of the Irish Saga" because ______.A.he is the great warrior of the saga
B.likeAchilles, he was vulnerable and died of an ankle wound
C.Achilles dominated the Odyssey
D.he appears in many of Yeats’ plays and poems


Cuchulain被称为“爱尔兰英雄传奇中的阿基里斯”因为他是传奇中杰出的勇士。文中介绍,Cuchulain是爱尔兰英雄传奇中的阿基里斯,他作为勇士经常在叶芝的戏剧和诗歌中出现。 document.getElementById("warp").style.display="none"; document.getElementById("content").style.display="block"; 查看试题解析出处>>


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