
解析:Passage 1 British food has a good r

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【单选题】Passage 1 British food has a good reputation, butEnglish cooking has a bad one. It is difficult to explain the reason for this. Unfortunately, however, superb raw ingredients are often mined from the kitchen so that they come to the table without any of the natural flavor and goodness. This bad reputation discourages a lot of people from eating in anEnglish restaurant. If they do go to one, they are usually full of prejudice against the fooD、It is a pity, because there are excellent cooks inEngland, excellent restaurants, and excellent home-cooking. How, then, has the bad reputation been built up Perhaps one reason is thatBritain’ s Industrial Revolution occurred very early, in the middle of the nineteenth century.As a result, the quality of food changed too. This was becauseBritain stopped being a largely agricultural country. The population of the towns increased enormously between 1840 and 1870, and people could no longer grow their own food, or buy it fresh from a farm. Huge quantities of food had to be taken to the towns, and a lot of it lost its freshness on the way. This lack of freshness was disguised by "dressing up" the fooD、The rich middle classes ate long elaborate meals which were cooked for them by French chefs. French became, and has remained, the official language of the dining room. Out-of-season delicacies were served in spite of their expense, for there were a large number of extremely wealthy people who wanted to establish themselves socially. The "look" of the food was more important than its taste. In the 1930s, the supply of servant began to decrease. People still tried to produce complicated dishes, however, but they economized on the preparation time. The Second World War made things even worse by making raw ingredients extremely scarce.As a result, there were many women who never had the opportunity to choose a piece of meat from a well-stocked butcher’ s shop, but were content and grateful to accept anything that was offered to them. Food rationing continued inBritain until the early 1950s. It was only after this had stopped, and butter, eggs and cream became more plentiful, and it was possible to travel abroad again and taste other ways of preparing food, that theEnglish difference to eating became replaced by a new enthusiasm for it. The Second World War worsened the problem because ______.
A、there was an increasing demand for servants
B.there was a lack of raw ingredient supply
C.many women refused to choose meat from butcher’ s shops
D.French chefs dominatedEnglish restaurants


文章倒数第二段明确指出:The Second World War made things even worse by making raw ingredients extremely scarce.故选B项。 document.getElementById("warp").style.display="none"; document.getElementById("content").style.display="block"; 查看试题解析出处>>


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