
解析:One country that is certain of the

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【单选题】One country that is certain of the effect of films on tourism isAustrali
A、The Tourist Office of Queensland say thatCrocodileDundee, 61 Paul Hogan, madeAustralia the popular 62 it is today. In the three years afterCrocodileDundee was 63 , visitor numbers double
D、 64 what makes people want to visit the place where a movie was filmed In many cases the reason is 65 the film makes audiences 66 of the existence of a place. 67 the JamesBond movie The Man with the Golden Gun was filmed in Phuket, Thailand, most Westerners had never heard of it. Today it is a major destination. Leonardo diCaprio’s film TheBeach has 68 tourism in another part of Thailan
D、The film is about the discovery of the most idyllic beach in the worl
D、As a result the Thai authorities are 69 a tourist boom in the film’s 70 ,Koh Phi Phi.
Some people are influenced by a movie’s 71 as much as its location, especially if it is a romance. Four Weddings and a Funeral has 72 that" TheCrown" hotel inAmersham has been busy ever 73 the movie was first shown. In fact the bedroom where the 74 played by Hugh Grant andAndie McDowell spend their first night together is 75 for years ahea
D、"We’ve 76 the number of marriage proposals that have been made there," say the hotel 77 .
It is not just the tourist boards who are happy 78 the influence of films on a destination. Residents of a rather run down area of London have seen house prices almost double 79 Julia Robert’s romance with Hugh Grant in Notting Hill. Film stars, such as Madonna, who had previously thought of Notting Hill as a good place for a party, have now bought 80 there. Perhaps they hope to revive their romances.

A、after B、sinceC、till

[解析] 本题考核的知识点是:介词辨析+语法搭配。此处选since用在完成体中,意为“自……以来”。 document.getElementById("warp").style.display="none"; document.getElementById("content").style.display="block"; 查看试题解析出处>>


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