
解析:Teachers need to be aware

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Teachers need to be aware of the emotional, intellectual, and physical changes that young adults experience.And they also need to give serious{{U}} (21) {{/U}}to how they can be best{{U}} (22) {{/U}}such changes. Growing bodies need movement and{{U}} (23) {{/U}}, but not just in ways that emphasize competition.{{U}} (24) {{/U}}they are adjusting to their new bodies and a whole host of new intellectual and emotional challenges, teenagers are especially self-conscious and need the{{U}} (25) {{/U}}that comes from achieving success and knowing that their accomplishments are{{U}} (26) {{/U}}by others. However, the typical teenage lifestyle is already filled with so much com petition that it would be{{U}} (27) {{/U}}to plan activities in which there are more winners than losers,{{U}} (28) {{/U}}, publishing newsletters with many student-written book reviews,{{U}} (29) {{/U}}student artwork, and sponsoring book discussion clubs.A、variety of small clubs can pro- vide{{U}} (30) {{/U}}opportunities for leadership, as well as for practice in successful{{U}} (31) {{/U}}dynamics. Making friends is extremely important to teenagers, and many shy students need the{{U}} (32) {{/U}}of some kind of organization with a supportive adult{{U}} (33) {{/U}}visible in the back-grounD、
In these activities, it is important to remember that the young teens have{{U}} (34) {{/U}}attention spans.A、variety of activities should be organized{{U}} (35) {{/U}}participants can remain active as long as they want and then go on to something else without feeling guilty and with- out letting the other participants down.


[解析] A项improper意为“不适当的,不合适的,不适宜的”,B项risky意为“危险的”;C项fair意为“公平的,晴朗的,美丽的”;D项wise意为“英明的,明智的;聪明的,明白的”。 document.getElementById("warp").style.display="none"; document.getElementById("content").style.display="block"; 查看试题解析出处>>


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