
解析:There is on question but that Newto

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【单选题】There is on question but that Newton was a highly competent Minister of Mint. It was mainly through his efforts (1) theEnglish currency was put on the satisfactory basis at a difficult time. (2) discovered a relationship between prices and the amount of money in circulation, which (3) later formalized in the so-called "quality (4) of money: if the amount of currency in circulaton is doubled--other things (5) the same--then prices also will approximately double. This is a simple application (6) the principle that it is impossible to get something for nothing, but apparently it took someone like Newton to discover it. There is an obvious comparison withCopernicus, who (7) the Polish government on currency questions and in doing so discovered another important (8) (usually known as Gresham’s Law): when bad money is accepted as legal tender, (9) money will be driven out of (10) .Copernicus anticipated Gresham in the formation of this law.
B、muchC、bad D、some

此处good money与前面bad money对应。 document.getElementById("warp").style.display="none"; document.getElementById("content").style.display="block"; 查看试题解析出处>>


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