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For each blank in the following passage, choose the best answer from the four choices given below. Mark the corresponding letter of your choice with a single bar across the square brackets on your Machine-scoringAnswer Sheet.

Depending on whether you believe in principle or the art of the possible, the United Nations’ new proposal for the future of Western Sahara is either a betrayal or a dogged{{U}} 21 {{/U}}at a settlement. It suggests that for the next four years Western Sahara should be a part of Morocco{{U}} 22 {{/U}}will{{U}} 23 {{/U}}the Moroccan flag and{{U}} 24 {{/U}}the Moroccan constitution, but at the same time it will be" autonomous".After four years there may-but only may-be a referendum to decide whether it stays Moroccan or becomes a separate state.
Morocco invaded this comer of north-westAfrica in 1975 when the old colonial power, Spain, was preparing to{{U}} 25 {{/U}}out. The InternationalCourt of Justice ruled the Moroccan occupation{{U}} 26 {{/U}}, and a nasty little war ensued between Morocco and an independence movement, the Polisario Front. They signed a{{U}} 27 {{/U}}in 1991 ,and agreed to a vote on the future of the territory,{{U}} 28 {{/U}}by the UN.
Instead of grinding{{U}} 29 {{/U}}an appeals procedure, or declaring Morocco to be in{{U}} 30 {{/U}}, the UN now appears to have decided to abandon the whole exercise. The result may be virtually to hand the country{{U}} 31 {{/U}}to Morocco.
The new plan, drawn up by JamesBaker, a formerAmerican secretary of state,{{U}} 32 {{/U}}that the agreed list of voters should elect an executive that will.{{U}} 33 {{/U}}the country’s internal affairs for the next four years.
{{U}} 34 {{/U}},this executive will be responsible to an assembly elected by all adults now living in the territory, most of{{U}} 35 {{/U}}are pro--Moroccan.After four years the assembly will appoint a new executive. Morocco will also appoint the judges and be responsible for law and order during the transition.


[解析] 本题考核的知识点是:介词。根据句义是在“宪法下”运作,故选D。 document.getElementById("warp").style.display="none"; document.getElementById("content").style.display="block"; 查看试题解析出处>>


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