
解析:"Refrigerator production inChina ju

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【单选题】"Refrigerator production inChina jumped from 1.4 million units in 1985 to 10.6 million in 1998," according toDavid Fridley, a researcher in theDepartment ofEnergy’s LawrenceBerkeley National Laboratory, US
The GlobalEnvironmental Facility, through the United :NationsDevelopment Program, has decided to fund $ 9.3 million of the $40 million program to help the government ofChina transform its market for refrigerators. The refrigerator project began in 1989 when theEP
A、signed an agreement with the government ofChina to assist in the elimination ofCFCs from refrigerators.Berkeley Lab has been involved in the project since 1995 through the U.S.Environmental ProtectionAgency, developing the market transformation program based on the success of the first phase of the project, which involved designing and testingCFC、(chlorofluorocabon) free, energy-efficient refrigerators. Fridley says that beyond his technical supervisory role, the Laboratory will be involved in training and working with the StateBureau of Technical Supervision as the new efficiency standards are develope
"Market transformation," Fridley explains, "is the process of shifting consumer demand for a product, in this case to a more energy-efficient, environmentally favorable product through voluntary, market based means such as technical assistance and training for manufacturers, consumer education, and financial incentives to manufacture and sell the more efficient products."
"Collectively, we developed a technical training program forChinese refrigerator manufacturers interested in developingCFC、free, efficient refrigerators; a financial incentive program to motivate manufacturers to build the most efficient refrigerator possible; and a mass purchasing program forChinese government agencies that acquire refrigerators in bulk," Fridley says.
In 1998, the refrigerator project was awarded an InternationalClimate ProtectionAward by theEP
A、"It is not widely known in the United States, butChina has had an energy efficiency policy in place since the early 1980s, says Mark Levine,EnvironmentalEnergy TechnologiesDivision director and an advisor to theChinese government on energy efficiency." The government ofChina is committed to using energy more efficiently, and this has allowed the economy to grow at nearly twice the rate of energy consumption.
"TheEnergy-Efficient Refrigerator Project will have a significant, direct effect on reducing greenhouse gas and pollutant emissions. WeBerkeley Lab are grateful to have the chance to work with the people and government ofChina on this project, as well as on our other refrigerator production projects in energy data analysis, appliance efficiency standards, and technical advice on cogeneration plants ," adds Levine.
The reason why theEnergy-Efficient Refrigerator Project is important toChina’s further development is that ______.
A、the project will have a direct effect on reducing greenhouse gas and pollutant emissions
B.theChinese government is eager to improve its people’s living conditions
C.theChinese government is determined to protect the environment from being destroyed by industrial pollution

D、theChinese government is eager to up-to-date the production of its electronic industry


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