
解析:New Orleans was the site of the las

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【单选题】New Orleans was the site of the last major battle during the War of 1812, a lengthy conflict betweenBritish andAmerican troops. TheBattle of New Orleans in January 1815 was one of the greatest victories inAmerican military history. However, the great success of this battle did not actually bring about the end of the war. Surprisingly, the Treaty of Ghent, which declared the end of the war, had already been signed by both sides a month earlier.
How was that possible There were two major reasons. The first is that New Orleans was relatively isolated and communication in the growing United States was not as simple as it is today. Thus, it is possible that theBritish commanders and theAmerican general,Andrew Jackson, did not realize a treaty had been signed before they started their battle.
A、second reason is that there is a difference between a signed treaty and a ratified treaty.Even if all soldiers fighting in and around New Orleans had known of the treaty, it had not yet been ratified by the U. S. Senate. Thus, though the Treaty of Ghent took place inDecember prior to theBattle of New Orleans, the war did not officially end until February 1815, when the Senate ratified the treaty.
Had the combatants in New Orleans known of the treaty, they might have avoided a tough battle, especially theBritish. In the battle, a force of about 4,000American troops decisively defeated an enemy of nearly twice its size.At stake for the soldiers was control of the waterways of the Mississippi, and the fighting was fierce.
A、combination of tactical mistakes and bad weather doomed theBritish attack, costing them nearly 2,000 soldiers injuried or killeD、TheAmericans lost fewer than 200.But was the terrible battle all for nothing Some historians suggest that victory that day was crucial for theAmerican millitary in order to enforce and help ratify quickly the peace treaty. Potentially, with anAmerican loss in New Orleans, theBritish could have found hope to continue the conflict.
The passage suggests that all of the following occurred near the end of the War of 1812EXCEPT ______.

A、Andrew Jackson ignored the orders of President Madison
B、Communication with the battle line commanders was slow
C、The Treaty of Ghent was signed
D、Weather conditions hurt the efforts of theBritish soldiers

[解析] 短文暗示,1812年的战争快要结束时,所有的情况都发生了,A(安德鲁·杰克逊忽视了麦迪逊总统的命令。)除外。B在第二段第二句中提及;C在第一段最后一句中提及;D在第三段第四句中提及,没有提到A。 document.getElementById("warp").style.display="none"; document.getElementById("content").style.display="block"; 查看试题解析出处>>


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