
解析:Surveying the battleground at Getty

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【单选题】Surveying the battleground at Gettysburg in 1863, Pres.Abraham Lincoln said: "The world will little note, nor long remember, what we say here, but it can never forget what they did here."Alas, he may have been right—not only has his short speech been pretty much forgotten, but also has theCivil War that inspired it.
More than 100 years after the conflict, a Gallup poll ofAmerican college seniors found that 42% couldn’t date the war to the correct half-century. In 2001, sampling 12-to 17-year-olds, theColonial Williamsburg Foundation discovered that nearly one in four students didn’t even know theCivil War had been fought between the North and the South. Thirteen percent figured that it was the US against GreatBritain, while five percent guessed it wasEast vs. West.
In the same poll, over 5,000,000 US teenagers were clueless about the Fourth of July. Fourteen percent thought we had declared our independence from France; three percent, from NativeAmericans; and one percent, fromCanad
A、So much for 1776!
It’s not just early history that students get failing grades on.Americans of all ages even draw a blank when it comes to the 20th century. Questioned in 1995, 60% of adults couldn’t name the president who ordered the dropping of the first atomic bomb (Harry S. Truman).Even worse, 20% didn’t know where—or even if—such a bomb had ever been useD、
The shocking results of these surveys showAmericans are suffering from a disease called "cultural amnesia," the social equivalent ofAlzheimer’s disease. UnlikeAlzheimer’s, though, it afflicts the young as well as the olD、Debilitating and progressive, the malady is eating away atAmerica’s soul, for just as an individual needs memories to maintain a sense of personal identity, so does a nation need them in order to survive.
Survival means having a sense of continuity.AsCivil War historianBruceCatton put it, "TheAmerican story is above all other things a continued story. It did not start with us and it will not end with us." To sense this continuity, we need to know our history, for the selfrealization of a nation is based on keeping faith with the unfulfilled dreams and sacrifices of the past. It is to this idea that Lincoln referred in the GettysburgAddress when he spoke of the "unfinished work" that must be done if "this nation…shall have a new birth of freedom."
Yet, when a national civics test was administered in 1998, 35% of high school seniors faileD、As educational researcherDiane Rayitch reported: "Only nine percent of the kids were able to give two reasons why it is important for citizens to be involved in a democratic society."
Combined with their historical ignorance, the civic disengagement ofAmerica’s young leaves their country’s future in peril. More so than any other system of government, a democracy relies on the wisdom and judgment of its people. To quote another president, Thomas Jefferson, "If a nation expects to be ignorant and free, in a state of civilization, it expects what never was and never will be."
Which of the following statements is TRUE、according to the surveys

A、58% ofAmerican college seniors could date theCivil War.
B、U.S. teenagers knew so much of the year of 1776.
C、40% of adults could name the plotter of casting first atomic bomB、
D、American adults knew better of early history than the 20th century.

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