
解析:Early that June Pins XII secretly a

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【单选题】Early that June Pins XII secretly addressed the SacredCollege ofCardinals on the extermination of the Jews. "Every word we address to the competent authority on this subject, and all our public utterances," he said in explanation of his reluctance to express more open condemnation, "have to be carefully weighed and measured by us in the interest of the victims themselves, lest, contrary to our intentions, we make their situation worse and harder to bear." He did not add that another reason for proceeding cautiously was that he regardedBolshevism as a far greater danger than Nazism.
The position of the Holy Sea was deplorable but it was an offense of omission rather than commission. TheChurch, under the Pope’s guidance, had already saved the lives of more Jews than all other churches, religious institutions, and rescue organizations combined, and was presently hiding thousands of Jews in monasteries, convents, and VaticanCity itself. The record of theAllies was far more shameful. TheBritish andAmericans, despite lofty pronouncements, had not only avoided taking any meaningful action but gave sanctuary to few persecuted Jews. The MoscowDeclaration of that year—signed by Roosevelt,Churchill, and Stalin—methodically listed Hitler’s victims as Polish, Italian, French,Dutch,Belgian, Norwegian, Soviet, andCretan. The curious omission of Jews (a policy emulated by the U. S. Office of War Information) was protested vehemently but uselessly by the World JewishCongress.By the simple expedient of converting the Jews of Poland into Poles, and so on, the Final Solution was lost in theBig Three’s general classification of Nazi terrorism.
Contrasting with their reluctance to face the issue of systematic Jewish extermination was the forthrightness and courage of theDanes, who defied German occupation by transporting to Sweden almost every one of their 6,500 Jews; of the Finns, allies of Hitler, who saved all but four of their 4,000 Jews; and of the Japanese, another ally, who provided refuge in Manchuria for some 5,000 wanderingEuropean Jews in recognition of financial aid given by the Jewish firm of Kuhn, Loeb &Company during the Russian-Japanese War of 1904~1905.
The actions of theBritish and theAmericans, as contrasted to the actions of theChurch, may be illustrated by which of the followingA.There’s many a slip ’twixt the cup and the lip.
B.A、stitch in time saves nine.
C.All say and no do.
D.What goes around comes aroun


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