
解析:{{B}}Passage Three{{/B}} Ke

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【单选题】{{B}}Passage Three{{/B}}

Kevin Rogers used to be my boss.At that time he was a hardworking, up-and-coming businessman and a real slave-driver, always telling us we had to sell more and more.As soon as I could, I got a job with another company. The last time I saw Rogers was more than ten years ago.At least that’s what I thought until last Thursday.But now I’m not so sure.
I was on my way back to my office in the center of town. There is a small park nearby which I sometimes walk through after lunch. It was almost empty, except for an unshaven, shabby-looking man on one of the benches. He looked about fifty years old and was wearing an old, grey overcoat. It was a cold, wintry day, and he was shivering.
"It’s been a long time since I had a meal.Can you help me " he saiD、 There was something about his voice that sounded familiar. I gave him a few coins and he mumbled something about being grateful.As he stumbled past me, I looked at his face closely. I wondered where I had seen him before. Then it hit me.Could it possibly be "’ No! Impossible, I thought I watched him walking away. He was the same height as Rogers but looked a lot thinner than I remembereD、Then, as he left the park and turned down the street, I caught sight of his face again, this time in profile. Then nose was the same as Rogers, too. I almost followed him but something made me stop. I just couldn’t be sure.But the resemblance was very close.
Yesterday I run into someone who had worked for Rogers at the same time I did, and had stayed no longer. I started telling him about the man I had seen in the park. For a moment I thought it was our old boss. The voice, the nose, and even the face were just like Rogers.But it couldn’t have been. "Rogers must be the director of a big company by now," I saiD、
My ex-colleague shook his head, "I thought you knew."
"Knew Knew what What are you talking about "
"Rogers was sent to prison six years ago. He’s sleeping on park benches and begging money from passers-by."
When the man in the park saw the writer, the man ______.A.begged some money from him
B.tried to hit him
C.offered to help him
D.walked away from him


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