
解析:There is probably no limit to what

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【分析解答题】There is probably no limit to what science can do in the way of increasing positive ex cellence.
When we have discovered how character depends upon physiological conditions, we shall be able, if we choose, to produce far more of the type of human beings that we admire. Intelligence, ar tistic capacity, benevolence—all these things no doubt could be increased by science. There seems scarcely any limit to what could be clone in the way of producing a good world, if only men would use science wisely.
试题答案:当我们发现性格的形成如何有赖于心理条件时,如果让我们选择,我们将能够培养大批我们所认同的性格的人来。 答案解析:暂无解析 document.getElementById("warp").style.display="none"; document.getElementById("content").style.display="block"; 查看试题解析出处>>


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