
1题: Two more teams have dropped out of the league.
A.have promenaded down
B.have reprimanded for
C.have left permanently
D.have been absent

2题: There was once a town in this country where all life seemed to live in ______ with its surroundings.

3题:According to the second paragraph, which of the following statements is TRUE
A. Nobel Prize winners are not qualified for the "Millennial Minds".
B.A "Millennial Mind" needs only to have a great influence on the lives of the people of his time.
C.Only those whose achievements still greatly affect our lives today can be included in the list of the "Millennial Minds".
D.The "Millennial Minds" are those who have changed human lives' so much that people of later generations can not remember what things were like in the past.

4题:One phase of the business cycle is the expansion phase. This phase is a two-fold one, including recovery and prosperity.During the recovery period there is ever-growing expansion of existing facilities, and new facilities for production are createD、More businesses are created and older ones expandeD、Improvements of various kinds are made. There is an ever increasing optimism about the future of economic growth. Much capital is invested in machinery or "heavy" industry. More labor is employeD、More raw materials are requireD、As one part of the economy develops, other parts are affecteD、For example, a great expansion in automobiles results in an expansion of the steel, glass, and rubber industries. Roads are requireD、Thus the cement and machinery industries are stimulateD、Demand for labor and materials results in greater prosperity for workers and suppliers of raw materials, including farmers. This increases purchasing power and the volume of goods bought and solD、Thus prosperity is diffused among the various segments of the population. This prosperity period may continue to rise and rise without an apparent enD、However, a time comes when this phase reaches a peak and stops spiraling upwards. This is the end of the expansion phase.
During the period of prosperity, people regard the future ______.
B.in a confident manner

5题:Passage Two
Three massive shocks wrecked the of Tokyo and Yokohama and, during the next six hours, there were more than 100 aftershocks.
The casualties were enormous, but there were also some lucky survivors.




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