
解析:Quietly malicious chairmanship. The

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【单选题】Quietly malicious chairmanship. There is no sound excuse for this. It is deeply antisocial, and a sudden excess of it would tear great holes in our communal life.But a man can be asked once too often to act as chairman, and to such a man, despairing of his weakness and feeling a thousand miles from any delight, I can suggest a few devices. In introducing one or two of the chief speakers, grossly over-praise them but put no warmth in your voice, only a metallic flavour of irony. If you know what a speaker’s main point is, then make it neatly in presenting him to the audience.During more tremendous peroration which the chap has been working on for days, either begin whispering and passing notes to other speakers or give the appearance of falling asleep in spite of much effort to keep awake. If the funny man takes possession of the meeting and brings out the old jokes, either look melancholy or raise your eyebrows as high as they will go.Announce the fellow with the weak delivery in your loudest and clearest tones. For any timid speaker, officiously clear a space bang in the middle and offer him water, paper, pencil, a watch, anything. With noisy, cheeky chaps on their feet, bustle about the platform, and if necessary give a mysterious little note to some members of the audience. If a man insists upon speaking from the floor of the hall, ask him for his name, pretend to be rather deaf, and then finally, announce his name with a marked air of surprise.After that you can have some trouble with a cigarette lighter and then take it to pieces. When they all go on and on, make no further pretence of paying any attention and settle down to drawing outrageous caricatures of the others on the platform, and then at last ask some man you particularly dislike to take over the chair, and stalk out, being careful to leave all your papers behinD、And if all this fails to bring you any delight, it should at least help to protect you against further bouts of chairmanship.
When a speaker shows no sign of stopping, the chairman should ______.

A、ask him to take the chair B、draw a flattering picture of him
C、pretend not to be paying attentionD、leave ostentatiously

此题针对的是When they all go on and on,make no further pretence of paying any attention and settle down to drawing outrageous caricatures of the others on the platform,and then at last ask some man you particularly dislike to take over the chair, and stalk out, being careful to leave all your papers behind这一部分。正确答案D。leave ostentatiously,意为招摇地离开。 document.getElementById("warp").style.display="none"; document.getElementById("content").style.display="block"; 查看试题解析出处>>


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