
易错题:The current French bestseller lists

2015年10月24日来源:考研考试 所有评论

【分析解答题】The current French bestseller lists are wonderfully eclectique. In  1  , there is everything      2  blockbuster thrillers to Catherine Millet's "La vie sexuelle de Catherine M.", a novel which has been   3  praised as high art and   4    as upmarket porn. Then there are novels   5   the sticky questions of good and   6  ("Le demon et mademoiselle Prym") and faith versus science in the modern world ("L'apparition"). Philosophical   7  continue in the non-fiction list,  8  this week by Michel Onfray's "Antimanuel de philosophie", a witty take  9  some of philosophy's perennial debates. Those who like their big issues in small chunks are also enjoying Frederic Beigbeder's "Dernier inventaire avant liquidation", a survey of France's  10   20th-century books,  11  with Mr Beigbeder's 12   humour from the title on ("The 50 books of the century chosen by you and critiqued by me").
    In Britain, meanwhile, there is olive oil all over  the non- fiction list. It's a staple 13   for Nigella Lawson, a domestic divinity and celebrity  14 , whose latest  15  of recipes tops the list. Annie Hawes, in second  16  , took herself  17  to the sun- drenched hills of Italy to grow her own olives and write a book about them-as did Carol Drinkwater, just  18  the border in France. Fiction-wise, it's business as  19  , with the requisite holiday mix of thrillers, romance, fantasy-and Harry Potter, with "The Goblet of Fire" still burning  20  at  number three.
1. A. literature  B. narrative C. story D. fiction
2. A. on  B. from C. about  D. of
3. A. both  B. equally C. rather D. together
4. A. approved  B. admired C. derided D. scolded 
5. A .attempting B, dealing C. tackling D. talking 
6. A. .evil     B. sin    C. wickedness   D. bad 
7. A. topics  B. ideas C. arguments  D. themes
8.A. topped  B. covered  C. overdone  D. surpassed 
9. A. of  B. by  C. at D. on 
10. A good B. favourite  C. favorable  D. satisfying 
11. A. dealt  B. handled C. touched D. managed
12.A. brand B. trademark  C. marked  D. obvious
13. A. ingredient  B. constitution  C. part D. factor
14.A. writer  B. novelist C. chef D. journalist 
15.A. set  B. anthology  C. collection   D. album 
16. A. rank B. place  C. point  D. status 
17.A. up  B. on  C. off  D. in 
18. A. above  B. around  C. about  D. across
19. A. usual B. usually  C. common  D. commonly 
20. A. bright B. intense C. dazzling D. brilliant


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