
 We can learn a good deal about the

2016年01月05日来源:考研考试 所有评论

【分析解答题】 We can learn a good deal about the nature of business by comparing it with poker. While both have a large element of chance, in the long run the winner is the man who plays with steady skill. In both games ultimate victory requires intimate knowledge of the rules, insight into the psychology of the other players, self-confidence, a considerable amount of self-discipline, and the ability to respond swiftly and effectively to opportunities provided by chance.

No one expects poker to be played on the ethical principles preached in churches. Poker has its special ethics, and here I am not referring to rules against cheating. The man who keeps an ace up his sleeve or who marks the cards is more than unethical; he is a crook, and can be punished as such—kicked out of the game or, in the Old West, shot.

In contrast to the cheat, the unethical poker player is one who, while abiding by the letter of the rules, finds ways to put the other players at an unfair disadvantage. Perhaps he bothers them with loud talk. Or he tries to get them drunk. Ethical poker players frown on such tactics.

Poker’s own brand of ethics is different from the ethical ideals of civilized human relationships. The game calls for distrust of the other fellow. It ignores the claim of friendship. Cunning deception and concealment of one’s strength and intentions, not kindness and openheartedness, are vital in poker. No one thinks any the worse of poker on that account. And no one should think any the worse of the game of business because its standards of right and wrong differ from the prevailing traditions of morality in our society. That most businessmen are not indifferent to ethics in their private lives, everyone will agree. My point is that in their office lives they cease to be private citizens; they become game players who must be guided by a somewhat different set of ethical standards.

The point was forcefully made to me by a Midwestern executive who has given a good deal of thought to the question: “So long as a businessman complies with the laws of the land and avoids telling harmful lies, he is ethical. If the law as written gives a man wide-open chance to make a killing, he would be a fool not to take advantage of it. If he doesn’t, somebody else will. There is no obligation on him to stop and consider who is going to get hurt. If the law says he can do it, that’s all the justification he needs. There is nothing unethical about that. It’s just plain business sense.” 
I think it is fair to sum up the prevailing attitude of businessmen on ethics as follows:

We live in what is probably the most competitive of the world’s civilized societies. Our customs encourage a high degree of aggression in the individual’s striving for success. Business is our main area of competition, and it has been made into a game of strategy. The basic rules of the game have been set by the government, which attempts to detect and punish business frauds. But as long as a company does not break the rules of the game set by law, it has the legal right to shape its strategy without reference to anything but its profits. Decisions in this area are, finally, decisions of strategy, not of ethics.
36. According to the author, one of the common features of poker winners is .
A. a quick response to chances B. extensive knowledge of games 
C. familiarity with the other players D. chancy response strategies 

37. In terms of poker’s ethics, the author believes that .
A. a player who keeps an ace up his sleeve violates poker’s ethics
B. it is unethical for a player not to annoy the other players with noise
C. a player who doesn’t observe poker’s special ethics can be punished
D. poker has its own type of ethics different than those of social morality

38. The fifth paragraph implies that .
A. nothing should prevent a businessman from making big money legally
B. every businessman should give considerable thought to business ethics
C. law grants businessmen the right to hurt others when necessary
D. business sense simply approves anything unethical

39. It can be concluded from the passage that .
A. companies may neglect laws when making their strategies
B. deceptions in business might be thought of as reasonable strategies
C. laws are especially tolerant of businessmen and their actions
D. business ethics can be applied to solve moral problems in society 

40. The game ethics as described in the passage might apply to which of the following? 
A. Medicine. B. Sports. C. Diplomacy. D. Finance.

36.【答案】 A 【解析】 该题涉及作者的一个观点。根据首段末句,游戏赢家的共同特点之一是:对机会的快速反应,A是答案。其他三项均与文章不完全吻合。 37.【答案】 D 【解析】 本题问作者对扑克游戏规范所持观点。根据第四段首句可知,作者认为,扑克的游戏规范不同于社会人际交往的道德规范,D为此意,是正确答案。 38.【答案】 A 【解析】 这是一道推论题。第五段强调,只要在法律范围内,企业家尽可放开赚钱。A符合此意,为正确答案。 39.【答案】 B... 查看试题解析出处>>

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